Who is also an atheist?
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I was christenized but I don't believe in that stuff.It just doesn't sound believeable.

Yay.I thought I was the only one.
on October 02, 2013

Oh and I was also Christianised but I don't believe in that stuff so we're in the same boat.
on October 02, 2013

One hundred billion years ago the Earth, the Sun, and all the planets of the Solar System were nothing but a cloud of cold dust particles swirling through empty space. Gradually, these particles were attracted to each other and came together to form a huge spinning disk. As it spun, the disk separated into rings and the furious motion made the particles white-hot. See More The center of the disk became the sun, and the particles in the outer rings turned into large fiery balls of gas and molten-liquid that cooled and condensed to take on solid form. Four or five billion years ago, they turned into the planets that we know today as Earth, Mars, Venus, and the outer planets. And THAT GingerSnaps101 is how the Earth was made.
on October 02, 2013

on August 22, 2013

Foxy, did you join my atheist page yet?
on August 22, 2013

on August 03, 2013

How was the earth made then?
on August 02, 2013

on July 10, 2013
on July 10, 2013
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Committed Atheist here! I'm sorry, it's just not logical, the whole idea of God. I also hate how certain religions discriminate against sexuality.
on July 20, 2013
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My sister is an atheist. She's also a vegetarian. She also has a bird o.c. named jay- WOW YOU ARE JUST LIKE MY SISTER!
on July 10, 2013
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I believe gods/goddesses/mythic creatures are real but they didn't make the world or make us we evolved also I don't think they have power over us I think they just watched us wither and be reborn and play some pranks on us that is it what ever. if anyone is sorry if I offended you (not really but hey).
on December 27, 2013
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I am an Atheist. I don't believe in god. I don't believe in god "creating the world". But it could still be possible :)
on October 05, 2013
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I also think that the whole thing with god making the world doesn't make any sense. I totally believe in Evolution, I jus need to look at my crazy friend Holly and I know that she evolved from a monkey lol.

on March 31, 2014
on October 02, 2013
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I was born and raised Catholic but I really have to say that I don't believe in God. I wish I could shout that to the world but my mum would be really mad because she wants me to be a Christian and stuff and stuff and stuff. So yeah I'm catholic but I don't believe in god so I don't know if it counts.
on October 02, 2013
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Atheistic Catholic here

that doesnt make any sense ??
that doesnt make any sense ??

Actually it does. I am still technically a Catholic but don't believe any of it.
on July 06, 2015
on July 05, 2015
on March 30, 2015
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I was born and raised Christian but I respect all religions, even those who may not believe in anything. I think that sexuality is a right, and that they should be treated as equally as everyone else. The reason I choose to believe in God is because, why would I want to believe I was created without a purpose? Why would I choose to think I'm nothing, that will just die out eventually without any meaning? When you could believe that a greater being created you specially, that you See More have a purpose and a meaning, and that when you die you'll live on happily. And in The Bible it states that we won't be able to fully understand creation and that we have to go by faith. There is also evidence that proves what has happened in The Bible is true, scientists have traveled to locations mentioned in It, to find the same things exactly how they were written (For example: Noah's Ark, lost cities that are mentioned, and events that took place as in Jericho. And I've heard both sides of the "How could something come from nothing?" question, well, as I've stated before, The Bible says we won't be able to understand how God has always been there. But I don't understand how something could come from nothing without Him. This is just my opinion!! I'm not downing ANY other religion, I'm just stating my reasons as to why I believe how I do. Thanks for your time :) \

im for abortion. not everyone who has a baby wants one or is/will be a good parent!
on March 31, 2014

It's important to respect how others think and believe, just how I respect your opinion. But instead of telling atheists or any other religions what to do like that, we should pray for them, respect them, and most importantly, accept them. And just to mention this, God never promised we'd have a good life if we believe in Him, in fact, most Christians go through See More many trials in life. The reward is going to Heaven one day ^-^ Have a nice day friend!
on February 15, 2014
on December 12, 2013
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a what??

oh! Well then i'm not! I love god and religion it's my whole life..... :) :D
on July 10, 2013
on July 09, 2013