If we can't "See" ghosts/spirits..how do you prove they aren't real? Ouija board=bad th...
do you believe in global warming...? I believe in globbal warming. Just wanted to see w...
Give me a joke and I will rate it 1-10
It's past 10PM and we're out in the dark, I'm scared. .

what r ur nicknames 4 me?
How old do you think I am? (3) I told many people, lets see if yall can remember

Name something you couldn't spell when you were little Just name something you just cou...
if you had the ability to change into any character who would it be? yea
I need good flirts OK SO me and my crush started a flirting war and I have no good ones...
Feminists always seem to turn a blind eye to the oppression happening in the Muslim wor...

most socially awkward qfeaster? be honest
do you love school? I HATE SCHOOL i only go because to see friends
Is it Just me or did Qfeast die? Im curious.

what is the best qfeast event? i liked the rustlers

Have you ever read/written a fanfiction?And if you haven't than would ever consider rea...
Can Anyone Tell Me what FNAF is?

Who's your go to vote, for the United States' election? Who are you voting.rooting for?...

does anyone understand? do you guys under stand what mangle is saying in fnaf2?
Who's your favorite band? I dunno, just something random.