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Why do we sleep with the head towards the wall?

I can pause my dreams when I wake at night then resume when I sleep. Can anyone else I...

What kind of bug bit me? So, a couple days ago I had a small white bump in the area. I felt nothing nor did I see anything. Then, about a day later, it swelled into a huge, red lump. It's really only itchy, but other than that I feel no pain unless I press something against it. It's been red and swollen for about two days now, and looks like a giant mosquito bite. Any idea if a bug bit me? If so, what kind?

What kind of bug bit me? So, a couple days ago I had a small white bump in the area. I ...

What is your opinion on those whom mock people for there physical or mental fatal illne...

What is your Natural Booster? What are those thing/things that always make you energised or something that always Work as wonder when you are Feeling Down

What is your Natural Booster? What are those thing/things that always make you energise...

My lips are super chappy! Do you know any way to make them better faster? I've been having this issue ever since I started some new acne medicine and I believe it is one of the side effects. The problem is, it hurts whenever I open my mouth and I also play a trombone in my school's Marching Band! It doesn't usually hurt when I play, but sometimes I can't get a note out, and I'm worried that I'll mess up for our performance next week! I've so far tried two chapsticks for about a week or so, and a new one for a couple of days. This has been happening for about two weeks, and seems to be getting a little better. I can say though that it is not getting any worse. Anything I can do to make it go away quickly?

My lips are super chappy! Do you know any way to make them better faster? I've been hav...

What do you fear? This is a simple page...since I have been comtimplating the subject a...

How do you get sand out of your ear? OK, so I've been in Florida for about a week and y...

Can you give some advice? I always feel like I'm eating too much, and I don't feel like admiting it. I can eat about two small bags of popcorn and a huge bowl of cereal in just one hour! I feel like I can't help it, and everyone tells me to eat less, but I feel like I can't! I got a test a while back which said nothing was wrong, but I still can't help it! I also hate exercise and I can barely run for half a field. I feel like I might be a little fat, and I'm worried! Is there any advice or anything I can do to stop this?

Can you give some advice? I always feel like I'm eating too much, and I don't feel like...

What is your favourite sport?

Is there any cure for acne? Hi, I am only 11 but I have acne. Could you help me out and...

Do Wisdom Teeth extractions hurt? I've been thinking about teeth, lately. I'm getting m...

opinions: what do you think of people with autism? Juust wondering ^_^

Ways of stopping yourself Self harming After having personal experience with self harmi...

How many bones are in the human body? It's easy

How many bones are in the human body? It's easy

Is it a good or bad choice to tell your parents you're depressed? I'm depressed and its...

Is it normal to shake when stressed? So the last gew days I have been very stressed, t...

What's the worst injury you've ever had?

What's the worst injury you've ever had?

WHat is the best tye of music to listen to while sick? I am sick today, and wondering w...

Does anyone else on here have Asynchronous Development? Asynchronous Development is whe...