Do you think WW3 will breakout? Chances of once again another major war occuring
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I think there is going to be one in the future...oh well, they'll have to make more Hetalia episodes. xD
on July 14, 2014
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I think one will happen, but I don't think it will in the next 100 years.
on June 14, 2014
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It's hard to tell but seeing our world as how it is, I would not be surprised if one did not start.
on June 04, 2014
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As a muslim i think it is, this is because Palestine is getting Tortured by Israelites and soon many Other Muslim countries will try helping them like Somalia, Pakistan and Egypt However, The Christian Countries would be helping the Israelites for example America, Romania, Poland and Germany

@Frozen_number_1_fan i feel ya...sort of im totally american but indeed hate pakistan, X-(X-(afghanastan, libya, egypt all the worthless countries and the ones that end with stanX-(
on July 15, 2014
on July 12, 2014