What part do you play in Qfeast?
Answers (25)
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Main character?? :O I consider myself to be that one who's just kind of fangirling constantly. A kind of character that isn't really important to the story line. The one who's just always making references and quoting their idols. :D That's not a type of character, is it? :D
on July 29, 2014
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The one that keeps justice, if I see bullying I will stop at NOTHING to stop it. When Ally_Jackson said that she wrote songs that she DID NOT write, I fought along with @JeweledOwl812!
on August 10, 2014
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Idk, I answer questions a lot. And chat to random people. Love rp :D And I'm just a happy person.
on August 09, 2014
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I think I'm the semi crazy/normal middleman that doesn't really side with many people, I'm also the Casanova if all the people that like me are being truthful :D
on July 31, 2014
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Smart one I guess but idk tell me wht you think I am

you are like the offical RPer.
on July 29, 2014
on July 29, 2014
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I'm the therapist. It's what I do and I'm proud of it. But what do you guys think I am?
Also, you literally just made an anti bully page then called @Nonpareil a villain. Explain this to me.
Also, you literally just made an anti bully page then called @Nonpareil a villain. Explain this to me.

Nonpareil likes being a villain and she admitted it herself. Other info in private messenger
on July 29, 2014

I challenge you fir that title.

Well I guess but I may be the person who asks about roleplaying the most and most consistently
on July 29, 2014

Yeah kinda well rping online I roleplayed a lot with my friends at elementary school
on July 29, 2014

Well you are one of te people who taught me how to roleplay. I learned pretty quickly but still I don't think that I'm that good
on July 29, 2014

(I already knew, but psychologists do more of the work with marriage therapy, DID, etc.)
on July 29, 2014

on July 29, 2014

@RoseHeart too bad im challenging u cuz everyone thinks u r WHEN I SO CLEARLY AM jk jk xD
@MockingjayDistrict and a psychologist is just a psychiatrist that cant give meds out (a psychiatrist is just the fancy word for therapist pretty much)
@MockingjayDistrict and a psychologist is just a psychiatrist that cant give meds out (a psychiatrist is just the fancy word for therapist pretty much)
on July 29, 2014

on July 29, 2014

Therapist, well actually I'm more of a psychologist (Okay no hate from my IRL friends, I know I'm not a psychologist), and that's IRL not on here so, your safe... FOR NOW >:)
on July 29, 2014
on July 29, 2014
on July 29, 2014
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I'm the creative person who writes crazy out-there stories, and loves to chat with people about anything that comes to my mind. :)
on August 09, 2014
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U r now my favorite person in the world for the next 10 minutes
on July 30, 2014
on July 30, 2014
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Idk what my role would be.... what would you say my role is?

The ultimate Sonic fangirl, of course!
on August 26, 2014
on July 30, 2014
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I'm the SUPER SUPER SUPER smart one :3 (I hope) and the one who really really really likes writing (IRL too) I'm also an utter FANGIRL. I'm a nerd who can be very sarcastic and mean or funny and nice. When I'm with people I don't know, I hide behind my books and earplugs.
I'm weird. <== BAM! Dats me.
I'm weird. <== BAM! Dats me.

on July 30, 2014
on July 30, 2014
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I play the annoying person who sing songs about tractors. TRACTORS. TRACTORSSS
on July 29, 2014
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I imagine everyone on Qfeast as a high school stereotype anyway...

@Number1Arianator As the biggest fan of Ariana Grande, duh :p

well, I'm in high school, and i"m not a huge Ariana fan :p but I've gone to only spamming when necessary now
on August 27, 2014

Ahaha thanks!!! @Parabolic You'd be the spamming king I think...wait that's not a high school stereotype is it...?
on August 26, 2014
on August 26, 2014

IRL I'd be a wallflower. I'm real shy...
on July 29, 2014

What Stereotype would I be then?

Oh, that. Yeah, that's because I re-read my comment and it sounded like I was calling you a bully so I edited it to what I really meant. xD
on July 29, 2014

Oh you edited i was like wat eery time i see a bully i usually have to stop myself from beating them up xD
on July 29, 2014

on July 29, 2014

I imagine you as like the head of an anti-bullying team, like the one at my school, and you have people coming to talk to you for advice.
I imagine you as like the head of an anti-bullying team, like the one at my school, and you have people coming to talk to you for advice.
on July 29, 2014
on July 29, 2014

What am I? =D

The crazy one who goes round yelling COOKIES and hugging people. xD
The crazy one who goes round yelling COOKIES and hugging people. xD
on July 29, 2014
on July 29, 2014
on July 29, 2014
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I play the part of the dangerous criminal who is the villain! :D

I thought you were the villain xD jk

on July 29, 2014

on July 29, 2014
on July 29, 2014
on July 29, 2014
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I'm da banana

Wait, do you watch Nigahiga on YouTube? Then you'd understand why being a banana isn't very good..
on July 29, 2014
on July 29, 2014
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Idk... I'm just a random person who hates parabolic :d I AM crazy though :D :p

Why do u hate parabolic so bad xD
on July 29, 2014

:p Unlike Sun_Lighting and Anime_Lover *cough* stalkers *cough*
on July 29, 2014
on July 29, 2014
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I'm just that random one who trys to show off their art and takes quizzes, reads things, answers poles and questions on Qfeast.
Why you ask...? ¬˜¬
Why you ask...? ¬˜¬
on July 29, 2014
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I'm smart, I'm the fangirl. Imagine if Qfeast was a movie, I'd be the main supporting actress for the lead. I'm not that popular, so yeah, that describes me well. The main supporting role. :)

The main supporting role...? (Is very confused)
on July 30, 2014

Dude ur really popular

You know I just realized, so many people have issues with the popular kids and they complain about them on here yet Qfeast has the popular kids. I guess any society eventually breaks up into the classes... Just a thought.
on July 30, 2014

Para, or Number1Arianator, or potterpox maybe. She's almost at 800 or maybe more followers!!!
on July 30, 2014

IDK about that, I'm not exactly the IMAGE of popular on here. I mean, sure I've got lot's of followers, but I'm more of a supporting role, important, but still a side-kick.
on July 30, 2014

on July 30, 2014

Well there are people who people look up to or really think of as popular, I'm not one of them.
on July 30, 2014

U HAVE 618 FOLLOWERS UR FLIPPING POPULAR after 500 ur really popular after 600 ur in the big leagues
on July 29, 2014

Not really, people like NUmber1ARianator and Parabolic and people like that are popular.
on July 29, 2014
on July 29, 2014
on July 29, 2014