If you could get a tattoo, where and what would it be? Where on your body would you put your tattoo, and what tattoo would you get? Are you actually planning to get it, or is this just for funsies?
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I'd like get an arrow on my wrist or summat. And wings on my ankle. + some simplistic designs maybe hidden along my torso (b/c some jobs don't allow tattoos and I'd rly like to keep my options open)
on November 26, 2016
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I'm not an advocate of Tattoos, nor plan on getting any soon. Though IF I had to choose a tattoo to get, I would get that of a Fox, on my back kidney region...sort of..
on November 22, 2016
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I plan on getting the Doom Aspect on my right shoulder blade when I'm old enough.
on November 21, 2016
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I would get the kanji fro love on my left shoulder. I'm actually planning to get it when I get to be old enough.
on November 21, 2016