TsumikiMiniwa's Polls
TsumikiMiniwa published 23 polls

There seems to be nobody on PST here! Are you?

Am I annoying sometimes?

Should I promise a reward for my followers for when I hit 500 like I did last time?

Which BTS fanart?

Which heart is better?

Would you rather have...?

Rem or Ram?

Does anyone ever scroll through their newsfeed just to say, "I did it, I got past 100 t...

Which one for new profile pic?

How often do you fangirl/fanboy over an OTP?

How do you rate me on the QFeast scale?

Plot or backstory?

Who is your favorite member of the BTS band?

Which of these youtubers is the best: Noble (Lost Pause), Aki (Akidearest) or Joey (The...

Which One? (23)
I'm going to change my profile pic today, which should it be?
I'm thinking of changing my profile pic, which one?