What was the scariest thing that ever happened to you?
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I have wandered off and got lost too many times to remember. A couple of times I got left behind at places. Not really scary anymore (yes it still happens sometimes XD) just slightly annoying. I'll call mum and be like "Hiya. Just so you know, I'm not in the car. You left me again." Then she'll be like "I CAN'T BELIEVE WE LEFT YOU AGAIN!
on June 09, 2014
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my little 8 year old sister search smile dog. I almost died of such an adrenaline rush.
on June 09, 2014
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one time i had a nightmare and when i wok up the monsters were staring at me through the window
on October 17, 2020
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well if you must know i was in a life/death battle once and well i won and his body to this day was never found
on November 17, 2016
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The scariest thing that has happened to me is I was standing by the toaster waiting for it to pop out and when it did it scared the Crap outta me.
on May 05, 2016
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When Freddy ripped my face and arm off in anger...
I didn't do anything.. It was when we got replaced with the toys.
First he ripped off Chica's hands then he ripped off my face and arm!!!
It was even more creepy because his eyes were just plain white...
My fur was already ripped but freddy made damage even worse :(
I didn't do anything.. It was when we got replaced with the toys.
First he ripped off Chica's hands then he ripped off my face and arm!!!
It was even more creepy because his eyes were just plain white...
My fur was already ripped but freddy made damage even worse :(
on July 19, 2015
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I would have to say having a dream of killing myself as I was Ticci Toby. WHAT DOSE IT MEAN!?!
on October 30, 2014
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Crashed my four wheeler and landed head first though god knows how I'm still walking and breathing without a problem.
on August 28, 2014