when life gives you lemons give them back because you're allergic to lemons
on June 01, 2019

OOF, bye, imma go do other stuff and return to see what happened to this account a few years later
on July 06, 2018

Qfeast, you deleted my poll because quote “The poll do not meet the quality standards of Qfeast.” my other quizzes are junk and you didn’t delete them.... I made a pen pineapple apple pen poll for crying out loud, do you really think that’s a quality quiz? Be honest qfeast, you got rid of my quiz because it had a stale meme in it
on July 06, 2018

I looked at this dead account’s notifications and saw that a crap ton of SJW snowflakes are triggered over my “what gender are you” quiz. The only thing I can do I say feel bad for them

oh, and I’m kinda on this website called flipanim.com, it’s basically an art and animation website kinda like deviantart. So in case you want to waste your life you can find my account, it’s called justme, probably could’ve made a better username but meh.
on July 06, 2018
on July 06, 2018

This account is ded btw... I left like, 2 years ago and all I did was gain like, 20 followers. I cringe at my old content and weird crap I say
on June 09, 2018

Redpandaddaj asked a question
Why do people not like dad jokes? Sure they aren't the Betsy, but why?
on October 26, 2017

Sorry that I've been doing memes, I just have so many ideas for stuff when I see an image.
on October 26, 2017

Should I start posting my comics? Everyone who sees the, think that they are funny. Everyone likes my art style and they usally laugh. Tell me if you want to see some.
Also if you want to know what sort or humor I have, I made those memes in the pole myself. So that's my sense of humor.
Also if you want to know what sort or humor I have, I made those memes in the pole myself. So that's my sense of humor.
on September 30, 2017

Can I just say something. I go to poles to see if people care about money or friends ect, and I know for a fact half the people are lying they KNOW friendship is more important but they don't CARE. If this was real life they would go on doing horrible things to someone they called a friend all for 200$. People want to look nice by saying 'oh well people matter more!' But they are just little selfish brats trying to say that they are nice and be nice when if someone said 'kill See More them and you get 10000$' they all be like: HELL YES. TBH the world was always a messed up place sooooo..... also I'm not trying to say everyone who says that is lying few people are telling the truth... so ya... people call me stupid and selfish when they are killing people for 10 bucks
on August 13, 2017

I think I'm gonna not come back for a while again and comeback like a few months later for a day xd. See you in months qfeast xd
on July 05, 2017