How did you end up on qfeast? How did you find qfeast? I wanted to ask this question because I joined qfeast almost esight months ago, and have many friends and love it, and I started thinking, 'how did I join qfeast?' and I could barely remember! So, I hope you tell me how you found qfeast!
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Past self: I'll just take this quiz here. (Takes quiz)
QFeast: Sorry but you need an account to read the full description.
Past self: Ok then. (Makes account)
QFeast: Sorry but you need an account to read the full description.
Past self: Ok then. (Makes account)

on February 22, 2018

That's what I did too

That's one of the reason why I joined
on August 03, 2017
on August 02, 2017
on August 02, 2017
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I was looking for a story website and this came as the second one, and I was like, "screw it, its like Facebook, just with extras, so ima like it..."
on August 03, 2017
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on August 02, 2017
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I was looking for a certain quiz that my friend recommand I take but she didn't tell which it was on.......eventually I found the quiz here on Qfeast and I join shortly after
on August 02, 2017
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I joined qfeast by my sister looking up Sonic WWFFY on google and qfeast appeared and my sister joined and I decied to join too :3
on August 02, 2017
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Honestly, I can barely remember! I think I was surfing the internet, and wanted to find some personality quizzes! So I looked up, 'personality quizzes' on Google and a bunch of quizzes popped up! I looked around and finally found one that I liked, and it brought me to a website called, ' qfeast'! I took the quiz and got more curious about the website. I started taking quizzes, reading stories, and all that junk as a guest user. Then I liked the website and decided to make an account! See More I made an account called, 'glitterlucky9' and a few weeks later, I forgot my password, and created.... The beautiful...' Glitterlucky26'!!! Then I made tons of friends and now I'm on this website almost every day! It's my life!

on August 02, 2017
on August 02, 2017
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I found it by taking personality quizzes and just so happened to stumble across a feast of Q’s.
on April 12, 2019
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IN the not so distant past of 2015, a little Julianna heard about this site from her friend Izzy. She became @Nikkidaeevee24 and she acted like a shitpost for the 3 months she was on there.
Then in August of 2017, she found it once more and became StoreboughtDJ. She left a month later, but she didn't realize in Februrary of 2018 she would find it again. She was still signed in, so she became Dowogami_Is_In_Love.
Skip ahead 2 boyfriends and one name change and you have me. A See More transboy named @KoopaQueen with an amazing boyfriend and no will to live.
Then in August of 2017, she found it once more and became StoreboughtDJ. She left a month later, but she didn't realize in Februrary of 2018 she would find it again. She was still signed in, so she became Dowogami_Is_In_Love.
Skip ahead 2 boyfriends and one name change and you have me. A See More transboy named @KoopaQueen with an amazing boyfriend and no will to live.
on November 03, 2018
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I love quizzes so I took a quiz on Qfeast and I needed to see my results so I made an account and then I made some private quizzes and got addicted fast
on February 22, 2018
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There was this other website that created Sonic WWFFYs but it got taken off, so since it was legit the only place that made them, I decided I should make one too. I found @Alexisthehedgebat by her Sonic quizzes and decided here should be the best place :3
on August 05, 2017
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was bored oneday at school and we didn't have access to qu o tev so i came here to waste my freetime instead
on August 04, 2017
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Well, I wanted to make quizzes and stories, and it was also a good way to meet more people and express myself freely.
on August 04, 2017
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from a ad then to complete the full quiz get a life jk get a account so ya <3 :D
on August 03, 2017
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Once upon a time, 11-year-old, almost fresh-out-of-elementary-school Rowena had a second generation iPod that she would play on at night. Rowena had gotten bored one night and decided to take personality quizzes. After multiple shit sites, Rowena had stumbled onto Qfeast. She fell in love with Alexishedgebat's WWFFYs and sapphirethehedgehog's utter greatness, and wanted to join. So, she begged her mom to let her join. Her mom was all 'nooo, these quizzes are inappropriate', but, See More a few days later, she'd finally convinced her mom to let her join.
Eventually, after about a year, she'd turned into the iconic R'ena and Qfeast had turned to shit.
Eventually, after about a year, she'd turned into the iconic R'ena and Qfeast had turned to shit.
on August 03, 2017
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I taking quizzes and then I wanted see more things so I decided to make an account and I've been here for 1 year
on August 02, 2017
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I joined qfeast looking on websites looking for quizzes to take and then I clicked on qfeast also my old name was Goodj and so I got that form clicking random letters and autocorrect gave me that name
on August 02, 2017
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Well I was doing Alexis the hedgebat quizzes until I ran into that she or he was leaving Qfeast and I decided to join and I started to follow people that were in a Fandom for batim undertale or sonic mostly sonic half under tale a bit of batim and yeah that's how I joined Qfeast
on August 02, 2017