ok soooooooo last post.
ive been on this site for like uh 3 years now. its had its ups and downs (a lot more downs than ups)
im not even going to lie, those first two years ans most of the third, i was such a horrible person. I would go out of my way to make fun of somebody when i wasnt much better off myself. i was always in drama and thought it made me better than anyone else, and for the most part, i wasnt. i know a lot of the people i got to wont see this post but i really See More think ive changed and im so sorry for the way ive acted. i hope yall who are still left can/have forgive(n) me. i regret my past actions so much and i just cant stand to be here anymore after ive caused so much damage. if you ask me im probably one of the biggest reasons this site is so toxic to everyone.
dont get me wrong! there's still a place in my heart for Qfeast. ive met some of my best friends here. i have had good times, but the bad ones outweigh the good, and i think it would be better for both myself and all of yall if i was gone. so, since qfeast wouldnt do it, im just going to change my password and move on from here. thanks for this, you guys, and i hope you can forgive me.
- sav
ive been on this site for like uh 3 years now. its had its ups and downs (a lot more downs than ups)
im not even going to lie, those first two years ans most of the third, i was such a horrible person. I would go out of my way to make fun of somebody when i wasnt much better off myself. i was always in drama and thought it made me better than anyone else, and for the most part, i wasnt. i know a lot of the people i got to wont see this post but i really See More think ive changed and im so sorry for the way ive acted. i hope yall who are still left can/have forgive(n) me. i regret my past actions so much and i just cant stand to be here anymore after ive caused so much damage. if you ask me im probably one of the biggest reasons this site is so toxic to everyone.
dont get me wrong! there's still a place in my heart for Qfeast. ive met some of my best friends here. i have had good times, but the bad ones outweigh the good, and i think it would be better for both myself and all of yall if i was gone. so, since qfeast wouldnt do it, im just going to change my password and move on from here. thanks for this, you guys, and i hope you can forgive me.
- sav

I didn't know you very well,but I have seen some of the things you post.I bet you are a kind person,and I wish the best of luck for you in the outside world.I know you probably won't read this,and that is fine.But I want you to know this,just in case you do read it.
on April 03, 2018
on April 03, 2018
pm me for contact info xx
on April 03, 2018
on April 03, 2018
on April 03, 2018
Went through so many different cringe phases together with her.
@GayIrishPanic im sure everyone’s forgotten about old drama at this point