How can you stay away from drugs and stay on the right path in life?
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Life is long.Of course,once or twice someone will pressure or force you to take them but you gotta know when to say "No!".I've had bad experiences in my life with drugs and i'm only 13.Friends & family will guide you down the right path and you'll guide them.Take it in small steps and you'll see that saying "No!" to drugs is as easy as 1,2,3.
on April 10, 2013
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well, it would have been much easier if you hadn't taken them in the first place but I'd say just think about what they do to you and how they damage you.
on December 09, 2012
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Having the right people around you, thinking that life is beautiful as it is, enjoying everything that life give you (love, friends, family, nature), so you don't feel the need to consume these substances. And when you're tempted try better to eat a chocolate will make you happier.
on August 24, 2011
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if someone offers them to you and you are thinking you should take them take a moment to think my couisin did drugs he was about 24 or in his twenties he had a girlfriend and his girlfriend had a baby girl and he died with his family at home he stole things from my mom and we worried what would happen to him but he died from it and i remember when he died we cried and we were just sitting down watching splash when my mom got the call saying he had died :( so just think about See More it and what it can do to you or harm others :(
on April 25, 2013
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Lisen to ur family! Aka ur little sis! Hint hint! But dont do drugs they r bad and will destroy u! Just think. If i do this drug i can kiss a good future goodbye....
on August 07, 2012
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Say no to drugs.
OMG, I saw this thing an it was like
"Say no to drugs, but if you are talking to drugs, you are too high already"
OMG, I saw this thing an it was like
"Say no to drugs, but if you are talking to drugs, you are too high already"
on July 17, 2013