Which type of girl looks better to boys and why?? Chubby, skinny, very skinny, fat, girls with a good body(the ones who do physical exercise) ... I am curious so please answer :) please also say why you think so!! PS: look at the picture to choose which one is better!!
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wow, people are getting a lot of backlash for being honest on what they think of people's bodies. grow up. people are allowed to have preferences, and you have no right to lash out on them just because it "offends you."

A question was legit asked, there is no need to judge someone's opinion
on September 18, 2019
on October 06, 2018
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I saw this thing on tv and it said it doesn't really matter that much unless you're curvy. Chubbier women have no problem getting boyfriends anymore than skinnier people.

yea :D my chubby friends dont have probs getting bfs but some girls r really depressed cause of their weight.. thats so sad :( u should love how n who u are!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
on May 05, 2014
on May 05, 2014
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Everyone is beautiful, no matter their size, why does everything have to be around being fat. Fat and chubby may not look good to some people, but they are healthy, also everyone who is ugly can be pretty on the inside. I'm really skinny, and I want to gain weight so I can GROW. I'm only 13, I like skinny, but everyone is pretty.<3
on November 06, 2013
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boys like girls with a good body but that does not matter its what in the inside that matter but SOME boys only care about whats on the outside [ EVERYONE SEE THAT I SAID SOME lol]:DO:-)

on April 24, 2014

yes but youd rather have a nice skinny person than a nice fat person because the fat person may eat you or die early

People dont eat people, and as for die early, look at skinny people anorexia, bluthimia and other eating disorders.
on November 27, 2015

You are really mean, I'm skinny but I have tons of overweight friends, so back off and don't be so mean
on November 27, 2015
on April 23, 2014
on March 12, 2014
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Good body i think. But for some weason boys mostly like girls that are preppy! I'm a nerd, book nerd, aka bibliophile

That's cause preppy girls are energetic, laugh a lot, are confident, have a lot of friends, joke around... They're fun people to hang around with, ya know?
on April 17, 2018

@Embrace_the_dark Oh no! That's not good :( Be happy with your body! Who CARES if they think you're fat/skinny/ugly/short/tall...honestly, the list goes ON. No kidding. And if they can't appreciate you for YOU, then they aren't worth it.
on December 06, 2015

:D lol ikr!!! physical appearance does matter a lot to boys.. the whole pressure is on girls -_- but i dont care too :D
on May 02, 2014
on May 02, 2014
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Everyone here is waaaay to busy taking the moral high ground "It's not about how they look" but no that's a plus "I care about personality" yeah but that's not the question. Either answer the question or don't put anything. I'm a girl but it's not uncommon knowledge that I like girls. here's the thing though. your question groups all boys together and that's not necessarily fair. Every boy (I think) Has a different opinion on girls. As for my opinion though I like all sizes (except See More ultra plus lol. Nothing wrong with being a bit fat but nothing over 250 pounds thank you) But i don't like skinny (Nothing under 145) but the type I find most attractive are fit girls. I drool at the thought of just a girl with just an average bust a normal butt and just likes to work out. I love the idea -w-
on December 13, 2018
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I'm a girl but I think it shouldn't matter what size you are...everyone is beautiful in their own way inside and out and that's all that matters
on December 02, 2015
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Im a girl but pansexual so I go for everything, plus I am more masculine and have extra testosterone.
Im fine with any girl
It really does go with the personality thing, though it generally isn't as innocent as it sounds.
I have a girlfriend and I think she is beautiful but I didn't know what she looked like when we started dating. I loved her none the less. She could have looked like Julius Ceasar and I would love her.
TL;DR It generally doesn't matter. As long as they are See More decent in your mind, I suppose.
Im fine with any girl
It really does go with the personality thing, though it generally isn't as innocent as it sounds.
I have a girlfriend and I think she is beautiful but I didn't know what she looked like when we started dating. I loved her none the less. She could have looked like Julius Ceasar and I would love her.
TL;DR It generally doesn't matter. As long as they are See More decent in your mind, I suppose.
on September 16, 2019
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Everyone on this site is too young to be thinking about how attractive someone else is. Why worry when you aren't out of nappies?
on May 22, 2018
on May 20, 2018
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I dunno. I'm kinda skinny, but I have a lot of friends (we're all kinda outcasts :( Most of them are skinny, small, etc.)
on March 16, 2014
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Tsk tsk akane akane akane... who's the reason ur asking this hmmm? :x

my cousin is chubby and is always so worried!! she always thinks that i'm prettier than her cause she's chubby!! i was sad and wanted to see what others thought :)
on December 22, 2013
on December 22, 2013
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i like fat girls, lol not, they are disgusting

on November 30, 2015

(Reports you) you can not say that
on November 27, 2015

That's mean, don't say that. I'm not fat but what I know, is fat people are NOT gross. You seem like the gross one here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on November 27, 2015
on May 06, 2014
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not fat ones ew :-&

(Reports) dont say that kind of stuff, ALL MY FRIENDS ARE OVER WAITGHT!!!!! Im the only skinny one. And you stop saying that stuff
on November 27, 2015

Why JUGE someone because of there size, fat people and Anorexic people are STILL people so don't call them gross
on November 27, 2015

on April 25, 2014

thankyou i am nice
on April 23, 2014
on April 22, 2014
Not all "Skinny Girls" think that way.
In fact, a little chub is damn attractive in guys sometimes.