Is it okay to want a boyfriend at eleven? girls answer only please!!!! My mom and dad go nuts when they find out I like some boy let alone want to be in a relationship! I want to know what is wrong with that! I already am becoming a woman, I have had my period and a bra, what else do I have to do? Why am I getting yelled at / laughed at when I want a boy companion?
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1st off no your not wrong its ok to want to have a boyfriend but i really think you should really think it thur cus your 11 your jet now starting to get feels for boys and some boys are not good for thing only want 1 thing and i dont want that for you. My mom was the same way only cus my dad died when i was 7 and she wanted me to be his little girl for ever but i truned 15 got my bae ty and i truned 16 and she is fine with it now she didnt like it at 1st but she jest had to know See More i was growing up boys was liking me i was liking them and so she got ok with it so jest sit down have a talk with them tell them how you feel.
on May 18, 2014
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First: hiiiiiiiiiii hahaha okay so 11 is kinda young to actually HAVE a boyfriend but ur never too young to want one!:) I wanted a bf at 11 im sure loads of girls did. Lol! If ur parents go kraykrayy dont mention it to them till ur older. I know it sucks but most 11 year old guys are just too dumb idiots still to even want a relationship with anyone yet:/ . Better to wait till ur older trust me! For now just enjoy hangin with friends and chatting and stuff. But you aren't weird See More at all! It's perfectly normal! If nobody else u know wants a bf now it doesn't mean they're weird and it doesn't mean you're weird it just means that they haven't matured as much as you have and they aren't interested in that stuff yet. It's totally fine! Good luck! Byee
on November 05, 2013
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11 is pretty young. And just because you have had your period, and are wearing bras does not make you a woman. You're not even a teenager, much less a mature, full grown woman. You're still going through puberty for crying out loud. I'm almost 15 and I don't consider myself even relatively old enough to be considered a mature adult. Sure, I'm old enough to be more independent, but I'm not an adult. And think about this for a second: your parents just want you to make the See More right decisions, and to be a kid for as long as possible. In their minds, you're their little girl, and at age eleven, you should be. Now, I get the weird pressure going around to have a boyfriend (I do, I really do) but having a boyfriend should not be a priority for you. When I was eleven, I was concerned about Hannah Montana, not a guy.
I'm not saying to not have a boyfriend, but just keep in mind that you are VERY VERY VERY young, and your parents don't want you to grow up so fast. So take a chill pill, you're only 11, go out,
I'm not saying to not have a boyfriend, but just keep in mind that you are VERY VERY VERY young, and your parents don't want you to grow up so fast. So take a chill pill, you're only 11, go out,
on November 03, 2013
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Nothings wrong with having a boyfriend at 11. You shouldn't get a boyfriend at 10, but perfectly fine at 11!
on November 03, 2013
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Idk how should I know I only got 1 random email from someone saying they like me which is odd so I sent them a screaming cat meme
on February 06, 2022
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I have one and he likes me so you can be in love w him i had my pieords and bra i have gone tho same stuff and just tell him u love him!!
on December 31, 2021
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I'm pretty sure I had my first boyfriend at 11, and my sister when she was 8. It's totally normal to like a guy at a younger age! That means you're starting to gain more maturity, which is always a good thing. Don't let your parents make you feel bad about liking someone, they probably liked someone at your age too! They just want what is best for you, and that is okay!
Sorry this is so late.
Sorry this is so late.
on June 30, 2019
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Ok...well. Being eleven you're figuring out what you like in a guy so...its fine if you Like someone and you want to date them. All you gotta know is that you can't date at eleven years old its way too young!!
on May 02, 2017
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I'm in you're position I'm going to be 11 in half a year and still can't have a bf. my mom does like to know if I like someone and I can invite boys to the movies and stuff BUT NO DATING. I completely understand why my mom doesn't want me to have a bf and I respect that.
on March 22, 2016
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no its not wrong at all but ur 2 young dont rush into things n ur parents jus want their little girl wit dem 4 ever
on June 08, 2014
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I was in ur position... just be in a relationship, an ur parents will figure out what dating meand in the 21st century... trust me, they're old and they don't know what things are like now
on May 16, 2014
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Yup. Seriously go for it. It doesn't matter. Actually I had a boyfriend at the age of 6!!!<3
on April 25, 2014
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It's normal. I have a guy-friend which is basically to me, a guy best friend, but we like each other, but we're not together. I know that sounds weird but it's fine girl. xD ;)
on April 16, 2014
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I'm 11 and I have a boyfriend !!Go ahead judge me just remember to be perfect the rest of ur life
on March 09, 2014
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i would wait untill i was 13-14 or even 12 before i get into a freinds for now.hope it helps :)
on December 20, 2013
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I'm 11 to and my parents say boys are to immature

11 is pretty young to have a full on relationship with someone. Try to take life slowly, you're only 11. If you really feel that you want a boyfriend, then you can have a boyfriend. It's your decision. But before you decide anything, make sure you think it through! ;)
on November 04, 2013
on November 03, 2013
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i'm 11 too and i do have a boyfriend he is my first the reason that parents do that is because it's fun i guess for them to see you freak out over it besides my dad always told me i wasn't aloud to date until i was 40 and couldn't get married until he was dead (parents these days) if you do get a boyfriend keep it a secret i did i made one horrid mistake i told my little sister the little snitch but turns out my parents were fine with it they are just messing around don't let See More it get to you! believe me they wont stop if they know it gets to you don't give them the satisfaction of seeing you upset over it I hope this helps good luck
on November 03, 2013