why are some people gay?
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You can't choose whether to be gay or straight anymore than you can choose if you're a girl or a boy. It's not like gays can change the way they are, why would they want to. Go ask a gay why they're gay (WARNING you will probably get punched)


@Nightcat :P
on November 21, 2014

Ohhhhhh yes XD
on November 21, 2014

on November 21, 2014

Actually, probably not. You might get an answer like:"I got bitten by a spider. I have the proportionate gayness of a really gay spider."
on November 21, 2014
on November 21, 2014
on February 17, 2014
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i'm gay! I'm always happy and cheerful but sometime i can be moody but i love everyone
on August 19, 2013
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It's just what they are attracted to.
They can't help it, same for straights, bis, pans ect.
They can't help it, same for straights, bis, pans ect.
on June 29, 2015
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Nobody wants to be gay. Nobody wants to be bullied and abused and discriminated against. Get the idea that "it's a choice" out of your mind NOW.
You can't help falling in love. Gay people happen to fall in love with people of the same sex. Bisexuals fall in love with females and males. They didn't choose it, and it's not how they were raised, because most gay people are raised by straight parents.
There are some clues and connections that the attraction to the same sex is part See More of a hormone produced in the brain or a genetic connection. However, it doesn't run between direct family members. It's similar to a gene which might give someone a learning difference.
You can't help falling in love. Gay people happen to fall in love with people of the same sex. Bisexuals fall in love with females and males. They didn't choose it, and it's not how they were raised, because most gay people are raised by straight parents.
There are some clues and connections that the attraction to the same sex is part See More of a hormone produced in the brain or a genetic connection. However, it doesn't run between direct family members. It's similar to a gene which might give someone a learning difference.
on June 28, 2015
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Because that's just how they are, how they were born, they're attracted to the same gender and so what? That's cool.
on May 05, 2015
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Because we are born like that. Deal with it ?
(I'm gay)
(I'm gay)

It is a choice you can't be born like that cause when your born you're brain isn't just like "I'm gay". When your born all you know is goo goo gah gah, so you know nothing when you're born that's why homosexuality is a choice. And so is heterosexuality
on October 06, 2015
on March 12, 2015
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If God made everyone, do you think that maybe he made some people gay because it was a test to see who would treat everyone with love like 99% of the bible states, or who would use things in his book against him. You should love everyone!
on December 31, 2015
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Because it’s 6 am and I’m being bothered by the answers from 2 years ago that’re wrong:
We have no reason why people are gay
It just happens, so let’s let it.
We have no reason why people are gay
It just happens, so let’s let it.
on January 12, 2018
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Being gay and junk has to do with the brain. It's not a choice, nor does it mean that the person has an issue. It's just how their brain is. It doesn't mean they're anything less than anyone else. Being gay is found all throughout the animal kingdom, so don't think it's only humans that are gay.
on July 31, 2016
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"Baby, we were born this way"..
It's all in the DNA.
It's all in the DNA.

It is a choice you can't be born like that cause when your born you're brain isn't just like "I'm gay". When your born all you know is goo goo gah gah, so you know nothing when you're born that's why homosexuality is a choice. And so is heterosexuality
on October 06, 2015
on March 11, 2015
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A lot of people are saying 'It's their choice to be gay' being gay isn't a choice, it's how you were born =D
on March 16, 2016
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Ok, here's what I have to say: Being gay is not a choice but it's not assigned to you, either; it's how you feel.
on September 19, 2015
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Because they get sexual urges towards the male species and not female. ofcourse id shag a girl if that was my last resort though :D
It's not just a sexual attraction though...
on March 12, 2015
on October 11, 2013
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Because they friggin want to be. Period. The end. No more.

There is more. Again, not a choice. People don't 'want to be' gay, it's how they were born, is this really such a difficult concept to grasp?
on February 05, 2015
on August 20, 2013
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This link could help
This link could help
on August 19, 2013
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One answer that no one is giving is the way that Elton John became gay. He CHOSE to be gay because he was BORED with women.

that’s one example out of many. not an accurate depiction of the majority. nice try tho

I wasn’t trying to give an example of a majority, I was just merely stating a single case.
on November 25, 2018
on November 25, 2018
on November 25, 2018
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Because we all have different personalities and interests of our own...it's pretty much of how we're made...of course it may be strange and all...but...it doesn't matter of what we are...it's who we are from the inside...that's what makes us so special about within ourselves...we choose in a different path of our own...just to find something that we should always look up to at the times like this...in a good way....it's just something that we should always be proud of from reality...
on November 24, 2018
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Because they aren't into the opposite sex, but their own sex and there is nothing to be ashamed of!
on April 03, 2018