What are your thoughts on Justin Beiber? So, I wanted to know who else hates Justin Beiber, and why does he have so many fans? I mean, I seriously don't understand. So, what do you think of him? I WANT TO KNOW. =^O.O^=
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His songs are not horrible but not okay. I hate him as a person though

I agree
on May 15, 2016

on December 06, 2015

on June 22, 2015

I agree.

on December 27, 2020
on December 25, 2014
on December 22, 2014
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We hate him,
He hates us,
Let's make a group
And kill Bieber.
With a one shot,
Two shot,
Bullets in the head, See More
One more shot
To make sure he's dead.
He hates us,
Let's make a group
And kill Bieber.
With a one shot,
Two shot,
Bullets in the head, See More
One more shot
To make sure he's dead.
on November 13, 2014
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I know this is old but I HATE justin beaver... When I heard he got arrested my friends and I had a freaking party. We tore up all the Justin Beaver posters we had and burned them. It was so freaking fun. I loved it. We each kept one poster and threw darts and forks at the poster. Best day of my freaking life.


on February 06, 2018
on June 14, 2016
on December 23, 2014
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Songs: okay
Him personaly: No. Nope. No way! Hes horrible! This is why I don't listen to his songs anymore!
Him personaly: No. Nope. No way! Hes horrible! This is why I don't listen to his songs anymore!

on February 06, 2018
on December 21, 2014
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Songs: Horrible
Fans: Horrible
Person: Beyondhorrible
I really hate him ??
Fans: Horrible
Person: Beyondhorrible
I really hate him ??

on March 25, 2015
on December 23, 2014
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On Facebook(I heard this from a friend)~
Remember when Justin Bieber was being shipped to Canada? This is what the Canadians said at the time:
(I feel like I'm being a bit offensive but I'm sorry whoever I offended...except Bieber...)
Remember when Justin Bieber was being shipped to Canada? This is what the Canadians said at the time:
(I feel like I'm being a bit offensive but I'm sorry whoever I offended...except Bieber...)
on December 23, 2014
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on March 25, 2015
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I'm delighted, that he was shipped to Canada

Yes, but it's terrible for us Canadians to.

on December 23, 2014
on December 22, 2014
on December 21, 2014
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Jackie: Gimme a sec while I go and ask Shadow for a gun, I'm coming too!
Shadow: Already heard you. *gives Jackie a gun* Who you killing this time?
Jackie: Bieber! >:)
Shadow: HELL YEAH!
Jackie: Gimme a sec while I go and ask Shadow for a gun, I'm coming too!
Shadow: Already heard you. *gives Jackie a gun* Who you killing this time?
Jackie: Bieber! >:)
Shadow: HELL YEAH!
on May 21, 2014
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I wanna kick Justin Bieber's A**. He's taking all the girls. I'm clearly not a Bieber Believer
on December 03, 2013
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First he doesn't care about his fans. He broke his toe and " oh my my toe lets stop the show" but when guys from MY bands are on oxygen tanks or having a concussion on stage they stay up there and play for there fans. Secound he dresses like a duch.... Srry I'm done :/

on August 10, 2013
on July 08, 2013
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Justin Beiber is the worst! I don't know why my big cousin or even Leigh-Anne Pinnock can like him!

Yeah. I watched the music video. Have you heard "Change Your Life", by Little Mix?
on August 10, 2013

Have you heard DNA? It's a really good song. I have a friend who loves little mix.
on August 10, 2013

Me too! I bought it on iTunes last weekend, and learned in one timelistening to it!
on August 10, 2013

Oh, ok. I've heard one little mix song b4. It is a really good song. I think it is called Wings, or it's something like that
on July 08, 2013
on July 08, 2013
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When he was younger he was cute and tbh I think he got sick of his reputation so he tried to 'man up' but manning up doesn't mean spitting on fans.
on November 13, 2014
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No way. The music video for his song Baby got waay more dislikes than likes lol.

on August 11, 2013
on August 10, 2013
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I HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!X-(

on November 29, 2015
on November 29, 2015
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Pfft LOATHE ENTIRELY. He is a poor musician. Yes, he can sing but he's nothing special. And being a musician is not just about singing: it's about making beautiful melodies or writing inspiring lyrics. I have never heard a song by Justin Bieber which could ever be justified as legendary. The greatest musicians are sadly dead or retired from music, which marks the doomed future of music. Justin Bieber is probably the most pathetic excuse of a musician I've ever heard. He is a sh*tty See More person, a wannabe Michael Jackson and an awful singer. F*ck Bieber.
on December 24, 2014