Are you popular at school? Popular or not? See quizzes to find out!
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Well.... I'm kind of popular, I mean I'm friends with the entire class and sometimes people want me in partner work and a few boys talk to me... I think I'm ok... But I don't really care, it's not my problem If I'm popular or not, I mean as long as I have friends and have fun at school then fine. Oh and question, how old r u? (U dont have 2 answer)

u seem nice

I'm nice.I'm just to nice that I'm not popular
on April 01, 2015
on October 06, 2013
on July 08, 2013
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I'm in the middle everyone wants to work with me. I have a lot of friends. but sometimes I'm really mean. so the mean part is when I am not really the friend that people look for. so I am popular-,.. not
on July 21, 2013
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I have a few friends but I honestly couldn't care less if I didn't have any.
on July 15, 2013
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Yeah i am! its really fun but we are not the type of popular that talks about nobody or bully no body we are jest popular to like where everybody wants to be in our crew that type of popular but i enjoy it everybody knows me and i talk to everybody.
on May 19, 2014
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Yes and no. I am popular with my closest friends but I'm also unpopular with other kids in my school. Some believe being popular means being rich, but I think being popular means how FRIENDLY you are. :(
on January 10, 2014
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yes. i mean i didnt think so before but im friends with all the girls in my class [ all girls school ] & i hav a lot of guy friends & girls outside my school & class. & i hav friends in other countries soo..... i would say yes. but im not mean or anything cause i HATE those kind of people. im hyper so its kinda hard to be mean when im almost always happy.
on November 14, 2013
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Lol yh it should be quiz :D
but no, ye, everybody in school know me, cause it's small school, everybody knows everybody but im not popular : ))
but no, ye, everybody in school know me, cause it's small school, everybody knows everybody but im not popular : ))
on July 01, 2013