Are YOU Against Bullying? Hey Guys, this is Beauty784 and directioner.styles we were just wondering if you were against bullying. We just want to see if alot of you guys care for people that get bullied. Comment what you think of bullying.
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i am i was bullied i dont want anyone to feel how i did :)

ya i was physically and i was used in the 4 th grade
on June 10, 2013

IVE BEEN BULLIED BEFORE i dont like how it feels
on June 10, 2013

thx :)
on May 06, 2013

That's sweet.
on May 06, 2013
on April 21, 2013
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Bullying is a way for people to also out their insecurities and make others feel how they feel. It's cruel and despicable.
on April 22, 2013
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Yes! I hate them!
I know, hate is a terrible word, but they are mean :(
I know, hate is a terrible word, but they are mean :(

on August 22, 2013
on April 21, 2013
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I hate bullying! I am really lucky that there really isn't any in my neighborhood or school. I think bullying is really mean, but that we shouldn't be mean to bullies. Be nice to a bully, and maybe, just maybe, they will be nice back. Because if we are mean to bullies, then we are bullying too. So give bullies a chance, and help them learn to make friends and be nice. THAT is how to stop bullying.;)

I agree. Some bullies may not even know that what they are doing is bullying and will change if given a chance. Everyone can change.
on November 06, 2013
on July 13, 2013
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Yes it is unfair and nobody NOBODY deserves to be bullied

on November 06, 2013
on May 16, 2013
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Nope. Jk people who bully others the back off. The only reason they do it is because they have no life and have nothing better to do and they think that there too ugly so they take it out on somebody else. It's not fair to the victims and the bystaners. And to the parents who have to deal with the problem and there kid might comit suicude becaause they cant take it. I admire Help.Stop.Bullies. She is doing everything she can to help. More people need to be like her so we can outnumber See More all the bullys and mean people in this world!
on May 06, 2014
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Most definitely. Bullying is kinda bad at my school. One of my best friends was bullied for two years straight, (before I knew her), but then she met me and I became her only friend. She hasn't been bullied since, and now a lot of my friends are her friends too. Just a little while before she met me she was thinking of committing suicide it was so bad. She is an amazing person, and it seems that most people that get bullied are really incredible people. Maybe the reason that bullies See More do what they do is because they envy the people they bully, perhaps because they are smarter than the bully or prettier. In any case, bullying is a disease that must be stopped. It cannot be allowed to continue. I would be willing to bet that there are over 100 cases of suicide per year because of bullying, and we cannot just stand by and let these people die because a few people had self esteem problems and decided to bully others. Again, I am very strongly against bullying.
on November 06, 2013
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Yes! Of course I'm against bullying! It's horrible that kids can get bullied so bad that they take their own life!:((
on July 22, 2013
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I am totally against bullying. It makes me really sand whenever I see somebody who is getting bullied.
on June 28, 2013
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Duh!! I know how it feels to be bullied and it sucks nobody should experience that!!!!!!!
on May 13, 2018
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If you bully you will find yourself regretting that you are dangerously poor for not being smart and wasting your money.
If you bully you will find yourself regretting that you are dangerously poor for not being smart and wasting your money.
on September 28, 2017
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ok when i was in 1st grade i was bullied for being a nerd and so i will kick their little asses cuz ii am much stronger and i can stand up for myself and still this asshole in my class shomari bullies me for loving pokemon. at least i have a hobby! he's a bi*ch and i am totally against bullying. poeple are just the way they are and dont be a bi*ch to the if they are diffrent

wow this is exactly my story wtf!!!! this same exact thing is th story of me getting bullied except that i let it happen for 3 years then i got permission to kick his @$$ ( my mom used to tel me not to fight back but then she got fedup and allowed me to kick his @$$ cuz i knew judo ) and then i went to a new school then this girl wanted to be playing fresh with See More me so i kicked her @$$ after a year too
on July 23, 2014
on July 23, 2014
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I am so against bullying I hate it people need to get a damb life so them people need to stop like if you are against bullying
on February 08, 2014
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YES!!!! no offence but obesly if I joined the page but yes I'm really against bullying
on February 06, 2014
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I AM SO AGAINST BULLYING. At my school, we were told to write down how much bullying goes on. some people were all like "No bullying goes on" I was like "There is so much. People get hurt having a conversation. maybe if people opened there eyes they could see that what you might think is funny really hurts someone else.
on August 02, 2013
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I hate bullies but I've never been bullied at school but mostly by my own family
I hate it when people cyber bully someone too, we are all living human beings and when we are brought down by other because they are bulling or hurting us in a way it makes us feel useless or weak ):
I hate it when people cyber bully someone too, we are all living human beings and when we are brought down by other because they are bulling or hurting us in a way it makes us feel useless or weak ):
on May 27, 2021