Spongebob movie 2? ( Read description) So a lot of people are hyped for the Spongebob Squarepants movie 2. But in all realness i don't think its gonna be that great. mostly with the art style. don't get me wrong i love the clay style like Wallace and Gromit ( Does anyone remember that show?) anyway i don't think i WORKS with sponge bob. Spongebob was animated and it should stay that way. Also why did they make Spongebob BUFF?! He is supposed to be weak same with Patrick and Squidward. Well not that much Squidward but still. That makes no SENSE! Anyway i want to know your opinion. lets hope this movie is at least okay. ( It will never live up to the first one in my opinion )
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the movie sucked. i didnt see the plot at it because it was like a 5 year olds imagination mixed with pixels and fast food ):L
on July 07, 2015
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I think there's something with the plot that makes them on steroids. But remember in the first one they played around with the clay for some of it.
I honest to Glob hope that they don't make the whole movie with them in clay and them on steroids.
Also, seeing the trailers I don't know if it'll be Sonic Boom jokes, Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged kid-jokes, or family jokes.
By the trailers, it's very unpredictable.
I honest to Glob hope that they don't make the whole movie with them in clay and them on steroids.
Also, seeing the trailers I don't know if it'll be Sonic Boom jokes, Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged kid-jokes, or family jokes.
By the trailers, it's very unpredictable.
on January 21, 2015
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Yes but the reason the new episodes aren't as good as the old ones is because Stephen Helinburg left, AND HE'S COMING BACK FOR THIS MOVIE. ? so I would atleast give it a chance. Seriously Stephen Hillenburg was the best director on the show and was responsible for all the good episodes and the 1st movie but when he left the episodes went a bit downhill, but he's coming back for this movie. I have also seen every single trailer for the movie and I actually think the jokes are quite See More funny like " Ok every secondary character come with me " and " I'm seeing a bright light. *patrick blocks sun with his head and says " is this better?" * spongebob replies " Much. Thank you"* I'm actually very excited for this movie and any true spongebob fan would be excited no matter how doubtful it looked. It's just my opinion ? but I wouldn't judge it so quickly.

Thanks and i know what you mean by the new ones aren't that great. and thats good to know that Stephen is back :)
on January 21, 2015
on January 21, 2015
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NUUUUU! 'TIS A RIPOFF I TELL U! I didn't see it but I have no doubt that it's now near as awesome as the first one.
on January 20, 2015