i think i am in love how would i know i am in love with this girl i really love or i think i do how do i know
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I used to think I was in love with my best friend, I thought he was 'the one' that one day, he would ask me out and everything would be perfect... I was wrong. He asked me out and two months later, I broke up with him becasue it wasn't what I was looking for. Love is a tricky thing, one minute your in love, the next minute you're not. My story may not be the best example, but as long as in your heart, you think it's right, then go for it... What have you got to lose? The best See More advice I can give you is that if you really do like/love this girl SHOW IT, don't be afraid to take her hand or kiss her on the cheek. Get to know her and treat her like she MATTERS, that she's not just some random girl you kind of like... If your in love and you know it, show it;) Hope this helps and good luck!!!
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(Check out my stories and follow me)

on November 02, 2013

Sucks doesn't it
on November 02, 2013

same with me..:(
on November 01, 2013
on January 26, 2013
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Well, I would think of the things you two have in common.
Is she pretty? If she is, think about her if she was ugly, would you still like her?
Focus in on any annoying habits. Would you be able to stand them if you two were dating?
Does she avoid looking you in the eyes? Is she is a fun, bouncy person, but when you're around, is she quiet, and still? If so, she could like you too.
Don't be afraid to step up and have the courage to ask her out! She most likely will say yes. See More
You should get a box of chocolates, and put them in her locker/mailbox depending on how old you are, with a note saying something sweet. Keep doing this for a while, and then, one day, confront her with chocolates and flowers, and a note, with the sweetest message. Then ask her out! Tell me how it goes!!!!!!!!
Is she pretty? If she is, think about her if she was ugly, would you still like her?
Focus in on any annoying habits. Would you be able to stand them if you two were dating?
Does she avoid looking you in the eyes? Is she is a fun, bouncy person, but when you're around, is she quiet, and still? If so, she could like you too.
Don't be afraid to step up and have the courage to ask her out! She most likely will say yes. See More
You should get a box of chocolates, and put them in her locker/mailbox depending on how old you are, with a note saying something sweet. Keep doing this for a while, and then, one day, confront her with chocolates and flowers, and a note, with the sweetest message. Then ask her out! Tell me how it goes!!!!!!!!
on November 03, 2016
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simple, if u get butterflies when seeing him/her if them just talking to u normally makes you smile and if u find yourself thinkig about them most of the day
on February 27, 2016
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do u look or her much or trying dont look at her then you in love.
PS: girls loves cool,smart boys u can have a change on her ;)
PS: girls loves cool,smart boys u can have a change on her ;)
on September 05, 2014
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Do you think of her a lot? When you talk to her does your heart almost stop? Do you freeze up sometime.es in front of her? If you answered Yes for most of these then, yes. You are indeed in love.
on June 12, 2013
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I agree with Mar, but a great way is to see how they treat you, and if you catch your breath every time you see them. :) You'll know.
on January 15, 2013