How do I get followers? I wanna know how to get followers, becayse I only have 1. Plz tell me how?
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follow other people

maybe they will follow you back

I follow the people that follow me it's called being "straight forward" I think but that is a good way
on June 27, 2016
on February 03, 2013
on February 03, 2013
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take this from a gurl who has about 60 take ur time i was just like u when u started make lots of quizzes and ask good questions and make great stories!!! and welll be nice to others and follow lots of ppl!
on December 19, 2012
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follow others, be cool, and fun, and natural! be yourself like @WishingUnLucky.07 said!:)
on May 29, 2013
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you be yourself :P Make some stories and questions if you want. And if people agree with you or enjoy your writing style or comments on their own stories they will totally follow you :)
on March 30, 2013
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Follow other people, make stories and quizzes, and try to check the News Feed as much as you can! ^^ Hope I helped!
on January 11, 2018
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Be nice and follow others! Make content like polls, questions, quizzes, stories, and get yourself out there!
on May 25, 2015
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be nice. yeah. and follow other people. every time I am on Qfeast I check to see my followers and have a tendency to follow them . chances are people will do :Dthe same to you!
on March 14, 2014
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1. Go on a following spree
2. Be literally nice
3. Make some good quizzes, polls, questions etc.
4. Go chat with people
5. Spend time with people
6. Help people just like when people help you in this question:)
2. Be literally nice
3. Make some good quizzes, polls, questions etc.
4. Go chat with people
5. Spend time with people
6. Help people just like when people help you in this question:)
on January 29, 2014
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I have got about 112 or something all you do is create different things and good things to comment a lot about telling people to check out your quizzes to get more suggestions check out mine maybe to give you I deas I comment to every quiz I do! hope it helps! lol cya
on October 09, 2013
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By making quizzes and stories everyone will like and find so cool, that they just wanna follow you! And make friends with everybody! DuH! And like I'm so nice I'll follow you!
on July 20, 2013
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To get followers without asking for them is to get recognized on Qfeast write books, make quizzes, ask questions and subscribe and make pages. Come on Qfeast at least once a day to work on books/quizzes that you have saved. Hope this helps :)
on July 10, 2013
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BE YOURSELF BECAUSE YOURSELF IS AWESOME!!! I followed you because you're really nice :D
on June 16, 2013