Nope. My last crush was seven years ago, and it's extremely rare that I fall in love. And whenever I fall in love with someone they just leave the school, like it is with with making friends.
I get infatuated far too often and far too quickly! I'm a relatively passionate person so my head and heart have direct lines to each other! It's a blessing and a curse. Sometimes I struggle with deciphering whether I actually like someone or if I'm just spending too much time with them and am developing a weird Stockholm-Syndrome-like attachment to them. :">
I also am cursed with liking the wrong people. They are either way out of my league (age and popularity wise), jerks, or taken. Not one of my crushes has been successful. Wanting a relationship has five stages: Denial, Compromise, Anger, Depression, and Acceptance. I'm in the acceptance stage, where I've accepted the fact that I'm never gonna be involved romantically See More with someone. XD And that's okay.
it's thatbronyguy, turtlefluff's twin brother