the amazing death circus ending should be...

This or that: Creek or Bunny
which is worse? (4)
What kind of parents do you usually like better in your family?
What kind of aunts do you usually like better in your family?
What kind of uncles do you usually like better in your family?
Do you like like me?

Who would u rather date? (dream smp) (1)
if you got to know me a little would you date me
Which is better? Old Zodiac or New Zodiac Dates?
Which girl is hotter? (2)
Which girl is hotter? (1)
Are you closer to your paternal grandmother or maternal grandmother?
Are you closer to your paternal grandfather or maternal grandfather?
Have you had a dream about being married to your crush?

Would you date this girl? Be honest.
On the scale from 1-10, how much does it hurt you getting rejected by your massive crush?

Do you have a crush? (2)