Voltron: Should Klance go canon?
Comments (3)
Honestly, I don't care if it's Canon or not. I just hope the series ends well and no body dies ;-;
on July 10, 2018

I honestly feel as if we should keep everything uncanon. Putting ships into the series could entirely destroy the fan base and the series itself. Klance only works because they pretty much hate eachother but still care very deeply for one another. If the ship became canon I would feel that they would not bicker anymore absolutely ruining the entire point of the See More ship. And I feel as if half of the anime would weigh itself over the ships and draw away from the plot. So I think we should leave the shipping to the fans and keep everything as it is.

Yeah that makes so much sense now that i think about it
on April 17, 2018
on March 25, 2018