Who is your favourite Yuri on ice character?
Victor Nikiforov / Yuri Katsuki / Yuri Plisetsky / The Triplets: Axle, Lutz and Loop. Vote on this poll. Once you vote, the poll results will be displayed
on June 30, 2018

I Watched Ouran High School Host Club recently and made a quiz:

Who is you favourite Host? (O.H.S.H.C)
Haruhi / Honey / None of them! / Hikaru. Vote on this poll. Once you vote, the poll results will be displayed
on June 10, 2018

last night I did something that changed my life...
I watched all the episodes of...
Yuri!!! on Ice
last night I did something that changed my life...
I watched all the episodes of...
Yuri!!! on Ice
on June 10, 2018

EllanaPhantomhive created a poll
Who is you favourite Character from the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus Series ?
on May 08, 2018

EllanaPhantomhive added a new chapter to A Libary of Creepy Stories
Facking it
I hate it when my brother Charlie has to go away.My parents constantly try to explain to me how sick he is. That I am lucky for having a brain where all the chemicals flow properly to their destinations like undammed rivers. When I complain about how bored I am without a little brother to play with, they try to make me feel bad by pointing out that his boredom likely far surpasses mine, considering his confine to a dark room in an institution.
I always beg for them to give him one last chanc... Read Full Chapter
I always beg for them to give him one last chanc... Read Full Chapter
on May 04, 2018

EllanaPhantomhive added a new chapter to A Libary of Creepy Stories
It has been said that the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". I understand the sentiment behind the saying, but it's wrong.I entered the building on a bet. I was strapped for cash and didn't buy into the old legends of the hotel to begin with, so fifty bucks was more than enough to get me do it. It was simple. Just reach the top floor, the 45th floor, shine my flashlight from a window.The hotel was old and broken, including the eleva...
Read Full Chapter
on May 04, 2018

EllanaPhantomhive added a new chapter to A Libary of Creepy Stories

A Message from your Personal Demons
Hello, my dear. You do not know who I am, but I know you. I am one of the three demons that were assigned to you at birth. You see, some people in this world are destined for greatness, destined to live happy, fulfilling lives. You, I am afraid, are not one of those people, and it is our job to make sure of that.Who are we? Oh yes, of course, how rude of me. Allow me to introduce us: Shame is my younger brother, the demon on your left shoulder. Shame tells you that you're a freak; that those ...
Read Full Chapter
on April 27, 2018

EllanaPhantomhive added a new chapter to A Libary of Creepy Stories
The doctor pulled the stethoscope ear tips out and hung the device around his neck."Mr. Weatherby, all of your tests have come back negative and my examination shows nothing abnormal."Adam knew what was coming next. "I'm not crazy, Doctor.""I'm sorry, but there is no physical reason for why you occasionally lose control of your hands. A psychologist can help..."
"I don't need therapy. I need answers. They seem to have a life all their own. I can't hold a job. I'm under investigation for assau... Read Full Chapter
"I don't need therapy. I need answers. They seem to have a life all their own. I can't hold a job. I'm under investigation for assau... Read Full Chapter
on April 27, 2018

created a

Sailor Moon: Which Sailor Senshi are you?
on April 27, 2018