Supporting Gay Relations
If you think that it's okay to be attracted to someone of your own gender then join this page. I believe that people have the freedom to choose who they want to be with regardless of what sex they are.
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I used to be a homophobe, but now I am coming out as a little Bi-Curois
bicurious is just someone straight who /might/ wanna have sex with the same gender
all you gotta do is say you're questioning
all you gotta do is say you're questioning
on March 19, 2017
on January 28, 2017

I support this page, but the desc. Kinda gets to me because it's not really a choice
on May 05, 2016

I was five, you were six. We were painting with mud and sticks. You asked my name, I asked yours, then we shook hands that changed our world.
Then I was 8 and you were nine, in the third grade, a day was a dime. We spun around, and played cards. Best friends we were, playing with our shards
I turned 11, you turned 12 middle school arose, chaos would start. But we held hands, and hung on. Waited to pass, until the bell has rung.
I was 13 you were 14. Teenagers at midnight til early See More morning. We snuck in, to the best night ever. Then we traded first kisses, forever was double.
Then 16, you: 17, dating three years and three anniversaries. We had fun, good amount of laughs. We had love, that would never last.
Next I was 19, and you were 20. Dating and loving for years of plenty.then you bent over, and pulled out a ring. I said "YES!" I came out my shell! Amazing!
We became old, together forever. Love was love. We were two girls together.
Lesson: love is always going to be love. Never judge, because there is an amazing story to tell.
Support lesbian/gay rights
Then I was 8 and you were nine, in the third grade, a day was a dime. We spun around, and played cards. Best friends we were, playing with our shards
I turned 11, you turned 12 middle school arose, chaos would start. But we held hands, and hung on. Waited to pass, until the bell has rung.
I was 13 you were 14. Teenagers at midnight til early See More morning. We snuck in, to the best night ever. Then we traded first kisses, forever was double.
Then 16, you: 17, dating three years and three anniversaries. We had fun, good amount of laughs. We had love, that would never last.
Next I was 19, and you were 20. Dating and loving for years of plenty.then you bent over, and pulled out a ring. I said "YES!" I came out my shell! Amazing!
We became old, together forever. Love was love. We were two girls together.
Lesson: love is always going to be love. Never judge, because there is an amazing story to tell.
Support lesbian/gay rights
on June 22, 2015

uploaded a photo
Please do stop. Humans can be anything they want regardless of gender, race or religion.

on June 12, 2015

on June 12, 2015

This is an organization with a beautiful message. I would highly recommend to watch the video.

Love Has No Labels
Before anything else, we’re all human. It’s time to embrace diversity and help end bias. Spread the word.
on June 11, 2015

I have a really long wall post that I wanna put on here but I can't copy and paste it...stupid phone...

I'm not against it. If you have a different sexuality then me, go for it! All I ask is that you're not a jerk about it.
on June 23, 2015

This isn't my point it's @Kanya888 however I'm pretty sure that christianity did not originate in Greece.
on June 14, 2015

@Laetitia03, I disagree with your point that hundreds of years ago there was no homosexuality. The Ancient Greeks recognized homosexuals; the god Dionysus, along with being the god of wine and parties, was also the god of gays and transexuals. This shows that, in the ancient greek times, they recognized gays as human beings, and even had a god to watch over them.
on June 14, 2015

Also: People who say gays are bad most likely are either pulled out of their comfort zone when talking about homosexuality or just very in tune with their original reproductive instincts.
on June 08, 2015
on June 08, 2015

?+?~ Is better than nothing <3 ?
?+?~ Is better than nothing <3 ?
?+?~ Is better than nothing <3 ?
?+?~ Is better than nothing <3 ?
?+?~ Is better than nothing <3 ?

on June 08, 2015

Why'd you dislike this post? She's saying that its better to have parents no matter what gender than have none at all.
on June 08, 2015
on June 08, 2015

Homosexuality is not a choice cause you can't control your feelings. But, doing a homosexual sexual act is a choice. And I don't care if no one believes in god, god is there and that is the 100% truth. Sex is for marriage and god made marriage between men and women. Why do you think think homosexuals can't make babies together it's cause god made marriage and sex between men and women.
Ps- idc if you guys think I'm hating I'm spreading truth. I'd rather be right than the whole See More world thinking I'm wrong.
Ps- idc if you guys think I'm hating I'm spreading truth. I'd rather be right than the whole See More world thinking I'm wrong.

Not to be rude but I'm pretty sure God has better things to do than watch some ignorant little kid rant.
on June 25, 2015

There is no way he changed at all. Still terribly spiteful of everyone not like him.
on June 23, 2015

I'm sorry but that cannot be done. This is still downright rude and hurtful no matter what he says. He needs to just let people be who they are. If something cannot be changed and it's hurting nobody, what's the problem with everyone having the same rights as everyone else? He needs to see where he went wrong so this does not happen again. I agree people occasionally See More take this too far but it is to prove a point so is completely justified.
on June 23, 2015
on June 05, 2015