cute stuff
Life is cute. It has many cute things. So in this page you shall embrace the cuteness:-)
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Sorry, I think I requested membership twice. It didn't tell me if I had already requested membership, so sorry if I did send one twice. Lol
on July 31, 2015

on July 29, 2015

Hey guys I need members so will you request membership?????
on July 18, 2015

Oh and the moves are Howl (evolve your Pokémon) and Bite (do 30 damage)
on July 15, 2015

on July 07, 2015

Is this the summoning of Dirk and his yaoi collection
on July 06, 2015

Welcome to TheSayakaMiki's Profile. Connect with TheSayakaMiki on Qfeast to receive quiz updates, start conversations, share photos and lot more
on July 06, 2015

So cute. My fav character from Steven Universe. Still, supa cute.

cute Lapis Lazuli steven universe - Bing Images
Find high-quality images, photos, and animated GIFS with Bing Images
on July 06, 2015