Qfeast Roleplaying Pages
A top list of roleplaying Qfeast pages. Find and share rp pages! Important: as before, all rp pages shall be marked as 'profile'
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Fairytale RP
Fairytale RP for all princesses, frogs, knights, and witty common girls that have ever been crazy enough to want to be in a Brother's Grimm ...
on November 23, 2015

Narnia RP
Narnia is awesome. I am going to Narnia RP with someone and need this page.
on November 23, 2015

Is anyone interested into RPing in here?
Is anyone interested into RPing in here?

Hello, this is for animotronics AND night guards, known characters or OC's. You can RP here, that's what this page is about. Enjoy, my bunni...
on October 27, 2015

Ancient Japan: Dragon RP
You live in ancient Japan, at a very dangerous time when the villages are being overrun by dragons. Mostly everyone in your village has either left to find safety or been killed. There are three dragons, each explained at the bottom of the page. The form is also at the bottom of the page. Good luck and don't get killed!
on October 02, 2015
(in case you want to join )
(in case you want to join )

Avengers Role-play (New version)
So i have a Created a new and improved Avengers Role-play..i still have my old page but this is the new one! Enjoy
on September 24, 2015

on September 19, 2015

on September 06, 2015

Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin RP
This page is a page for people to role-play (RP) as characters from the anime/manga called Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin. You can also make your own character using the form at the bottom of the page.
on August 28, 2015

Steven Universe Roleplay
Choose your favorite character from Steven Universe and roleplay with many other people! Try not to be a copy of another person`s character! You can come up with other characters if needed! Be careful about that! Make sure that in everything you say or do (every post) that at the end you say who you are! Thank you and enjoy!
on July 31, 2015

Assassins rp
I'll put up the levels in order of class. If you become a member you can be a trainer (only trains them) or a captain (gives out assignments). I will choose who runs the place as commander. Normal people are trainees. Your characters rank/level depends on their age.
on July 28, 2015

Halfling Rp
This is a rp page for halflings. You could be half anything! Rp and have fun! Note: Nothing inopropriate. I will ban you from this page if you do.
on July 18, 2015

Avatar Land
Welcome to avatar land! Wanna post a picture of an avatar that you created? Draw a picture, take a pic, and post it on the page!
on July 15, 2015

Mobian Boarding School
It's not so different. Okay here is where all your parents got annoyed of seeing your face at their house and sent you to boarding school because they love as well. Anyway you can choose your roommate,make a roommate,or even ask someone to be your roommate! You can post pics of your room as well. The form will be down below. Have fun!
on July 03, 2015

Kinnochiwa Maki RP
This is a roleplay for Kinnochiwa Maki, a sushi restaurant. Only members will be able to serve, but anybody can come and enjoy the sushi this roleplay offers. Please have an image and a bio. Kinnochiwa Maki opens soon!
on July 02, 2015

Twin RP
On this page, you can make twins any type boy and girl,girl girl,boy boy,any type! And you RP as them,you can do geoup RP if you want. Have fun!
on July 01, 2015

Wolf Rp (1)
I love wolves so why not rp about it. You can have a normal wolf or wolf human. have fun <3
on June 28, 2015

Hetalia OCs!
This is a place where you can make or post your made OCs onto here! Just please give a brief description about him or her, and obviously what country they are in! :)
on June 26, 2015

Mixed Fandoms RP!
At this page you can roleplay your favorite fandoms and can mix them with others! I hope you enjoy the page! x3
on June 24, 2015