Qfeast Roleplaying Pages
A top list of roleplaying Qfeast pages. Find and share rp pages! Important: as before, all rp pages shall be marked as 'profile'
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Kingdom RP
Be a part of Rose Kingdom, a land full of beautiful princesses, brave knights and fire-breathing dragons! Have fun!

This rp looks like it's going to be a lot of fun!
on August 31, 2014
on August 31, 2014

For all Dr. Who fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doctor Who RP
Whovian RP :D Be a Time Lord or Lady, or a companion. Or a TARDIS :D Or a villain *evil face*
on August 23, 2014

Angel ,Demon ,and Hybrid roleplay
Be an angle ,demon ,or hybrid. Description you need will be posted on the page.
on August 15, 2014

anyone else find it odd that the picture is just a skyrim icon?
on August 14, 2014

We got rp back!!!

This type of RP I thought of, I got from a game I play called Wartune. It's an online action adventure fantasy RPG, and I think it would be AMAZING if it was turned into an RP!
on August 14, 2014
on August 14, 2014

Sonic RP Page
The name says it! Use your Mobian OC for this RP page plz! Have fun!!! ^.^
on August 13, 2014

Because none of the other ones seemed active anymore. Feel free to join this highschool roleplay. :P

High School Roleplay (1)
I can't seem to find an active high school roleplay page. So, here's one.
To join just put your oc's:
Physical appearance
{and} Other
Enjoy! (:
on August 13, 2014

X-Men Role Play Page!!!
Choose a superpower and attend Xavier's school!!! You don't actually need to know or like the X-Men series to join! All you gotta do is know your superpower!!! Have fun!!!
on August 13, 2014

Avatar The Last Airbender RP
Come choose to be a water, earth, or fire bender during the war. Follow along our journey with the Avatar and be the bender you've always dreamed of.
on August 13, 2014

Imagine, Create, Rasplay
This is the page for users to rasplay about anything or everything they want! MLP, sonic, Harry Potter, Warriors, Percy Jackson, let you imagination run free. Anyone can use this page, but a membership request or subscription would be awesome! If you do request a membership, I'll accept it. :)
on August 13, 2014

Mythical Creature Rp
Welcome to the world of Aquahanna! In this land reigns everything you could possibly imagine. You can be anything you want: princess, dragon, unicorn, kitten, knight etc. I will be your GM and so the story will continue as long as you continue!
on August 13, 2014

I found this page, which reminded me of the good old days when I could watch these films, and RPing on it makes me feel young again! (I'm 16, but RPing on this page makes me feel young enough to watch these again!) NOT MY PAGE THOUGH!

Welcome to Pixie Hollow!
This is a Tinker Bell and Pixie Hollow roleplay! You must know what Tinker Bell is please! This is the form, and please become a member!
2.Type of fairy (Animal, tinker, water, fast flyer,garden, light,)
9.Extra Info
Have fun roleplaying!
on August 13, 2014

Harry Potter RP
Well, out of popular demand, I have made this page! Choose your house and let's get magical!
on August 13, 2014

Elleyd has like 50 million awesome Rp pages, so just check them out :D
on August 13, 2014

Avatar the Last Airbender Parallel Universe RP
Basically, the same world as The Last Airbender but slightly changed for more free-range rp.
on August 13, 2014

on August 13, 2014

It is for demigod Rp and yes be sure to post you credentials :D
It is for demigod Rp and yes be sure to post you credentials :D

Camp demigod made for the gifted .
Are you a demigod or maybe a gifted child but don't know how to use your power then this is the place for you . Just tell your name , age , powers , Olympian parent and other specialty if any and we'll guide you as your true friends . Let's Fight The Titans !!!!
on August 13, 2014

Umm.... it is for those who want to roleplay on Manga :D
Umm.... it is for those who want to roleplay on Manga :D

We The Manga People
Are you an avid Manga fan then let's come together and rasplay with our fav manga characters . I choose Sasuke
on August 13, 2014