This is where you find bad logic in small little corners in movies,games,TV,magazines,etc. ---the thumbnail was random---
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how the hell can Link run and walk for that long with out stop (i mean, dude, he runs like, more than half the game!)
on September 16, 2015

How can Dippers pick up a puppet in the mindscape when he can't pick up anything else?
on September 17, 2015
on September 16, 2015

Updates here... http://www.facebook.com/twistedgrimtv https://twitter.com/TheTwistedGrim http://thetwistedgrim.tumblr.com/ (Activa subtitulos al espaƱol) ''....
on September 16, 2015
Rainbow Dash is apparently the fastest flyer and has done many things but the Wonder Bolts dont recognize her or try and get her on the team. And what happened to the episode where she COULD be in the Wonder bolt? They havent mentioned that ever since. ._______________.
on September 16, 2015

Lapis was strong enough to hold a tower made of all the world's oceans together and fight using water copies of Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet AND Steven WITH A CRACKED GEM. NOW HER GEM IS PERFECTLY FINE AND SHE IS USING THE WEIGHT OF THE OCEAN TO HOLD MACHALITE AT THE BOTTOM, BUT SHOUND'T SHE JUST BE ABLE TO BEAT JASPER AT THIS POINT BY UNFUSING AND FIGHTING HER?? LIKE FOR REAL.
on September 16, 2015

How can there be a fire under water with spongebob!?
(Has always been an original bad logic)
(Has always been an original bad logic)
on September 16, 2015
on September 16, 2015

How can Dippers control 3 puppets WITH ONLY 2 HANDS?
on September 16, 2015

Why do some people hate a certain movie/book/show that they haven't read/seen yet?
I hate fnaf because sometimes my friends talk about it a lot and ive never played it so i feel left out. Maybe a reason like that.
on September 16, 2015
on September 16, 2015

Why does Link do all of the side quests before saving the princess?
on September 16, 2015

How can Mario break bricks with his head,but dies by touching a turtle or root?
Da Fuq!?
How can Mario break bricks with his head,but dies by touching a turtle or root?
Da Fuq!?
on September 16, 2015
on September 16, 2015