tell ur weird facts for my story!
im writing a story for qfeasters weirdest facts. plzz post ur weirdest facts here, and its unlimited!
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

on December 25, 2014

Umm...I'm not sure...I can flip both of my eyelids, umm, and I like eating my fingernails...?
on December 25, 2014

I have a habit of randomly saying 'hi' when I'm in the middle of a conversation.
on December 25, 2014

I like making youtube videos of myself in my head (like iiSuperwomanii style videos)

XD I do that all the time !
Me: (no camera) whaa up everbody its Lunawolf! And I'm here with more octodad!
Me: (no camera) whaa up everbody its Lunawolf! And I'm here with more octodad!
on December 26, 2014
on December 25, 2014

My pet peeve is people who don't know how to play guitar playing air guitar.
on December 25, 2014

I like to put streaks of blue and purple in my hair sometimes...
on December 25, 2014

@TurtleFluff was married to a wall

on December 25, 2014
on December 25, 2014

on December 25, 2014

I laugh at my own pain, I enjoy pain.
on December 25, 2014

I have a favourite fart.
You know those farts where it feels like you just lost 50 pounds? Yeah, those.
You know those farts where it feels like you just lost 50 pounds? Yeah, those.
on December 25, 2014

To me, this sign: & looks like a guy dragging his butt across the floor.
on December 25, 2014

on December 25, 2014

I collect lip glosses and I have 172 of them.
on December 25, 2014

I never believed Santa...never.
on December 25, 2014

When I roleplay with myself inside my head, I sometimes just randomly do or say what a character did. For example: I was pacing, then there was a fight scene in my roleplay, so I jumped up into the air, shouting, and pretended to stab someone as I came down. ^.^U (it was really weird for my family...)
on December 25, 2014

I believed in Santa until age ten...
on December 25, 2014

Whenever I adopt an animal, I name them after characters in films or books that I like at the time.
I once adopted a bottlenose dolphin with WWF, and called her Fiona, as in Princess Fiona from Shrek.
I once adopted a bottlenose dolphin with WWF, and called her Fiona, as in Princess Fiona from Shrek.

At the moment though, I'm adopting a ring-tailed lemur, and it's gender is male.
So I called it Tobias.
So I called it Tobias.
on December 25, 2014
on December 25, 2014

I walk aimlessly for hours in the desert everyday.
on December 25, 2014