tell ur weird facts for my story!
im writing a story for qfeasters weirdest facts. plzz post ur weirdest facts here, and its unlimited!
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My family is so diverse you'd never guess we were related. Unless you look at my mother and I; everyone keeps getting the two of us mixed up. ^.^U

Yeah XD
on December 26, 2014

That always happens in school XD
on December 26, 2014
on December 26, 2014

on December 26, 2014

I am ambidextrous.
I was called the Pikachu Girl in kindergarten because I like Pokemon.
Don't ask how I'm able to come up with more weird facts about myself.
I was called the Pikachu Girl in kindergarten because I like Pokemon.
Don't ask how I'm able to come up with more weird facts about myself.
on December 26, 2014

I'm also allergic to hot dogs...:( Just please don't judge...

I hate that I may look so normal that I can practically fool everyone but I'm not... :((
on December 26, 2014
on December 26, 2014

WARNING: Really weird thing I do.
After I cut myself I sorta...well ummm...I sorta drink my blood? He he?
After I cut myself I sorta...well ummm...I sorta drink my blood? He he?

Lol! @KameoRose I do that all the tine! But I don't "accidently" slash my arm. I do it because I can't stop...
on December 26, 2014
on December 26, 2014

Oh we go....
1) I have EXTREME anxiety
2) I cheated on a major exam in 2nd grade
3) I have never had a boyfriend
4) My brother is in the mental hospital
5) I haven't been to the dentist in 6 years
6) I'm extremely skinny yet I eat fast food and sweets everyday See More
7) I'm allowed to ride my scooter in the house
8) I'm named my cat Millie after that cat in the warriors series
9) I've only ever watched 3 animes
10) I've never read the divergent series
11) Whenever I go to Wendys I dip my fries in the frosties.
12) I have OCD
13) I cry myself to sleep EVERY night.
14) I have trouble smelling.
15) I've never painted my nails before.
16) Sometimes I'll talk to myself and act like I'm recording a vlog.
17) I fear stickers
18) I REALLY want to dissect a heart
19) I fantasize about murdering people WAY TOO MUCH than a person with sanity would.
20) I ship my classmates and have even made up names. Wyabeth shipper! <3
21) Sometimes I still sleep with my parents.
22) I haven't played FNAF 2 for myself yet.
23) I think I say 10 words at school each day.
24) I act like my life is a TV show and have different seasons like each grade is a season.
Is that enough? Yeah I'm a weird person I know..
1) I have EXTREME anxiety
2) I cheated on a major exam in 2nd grade
3) I have never had a boyfriend
4) My brother is in the mental hospital
5) I haven't been to the dentist in 6 years
6) I'm extremely skinny yet I eat fast food and sweets everyday See More
7) I'm allowed to ride my scooter in the house
8) I'm named my cat Millie after that cat in the warriors series
9) I've only ever watched 3 animes
10) I've never read the divergent series
11) Whenever I go to Wendys I dip my fries in the frosties.
12) I have OCD
13) I cry myself to sleep EVERY night.
14) I have trouble smelling.
15) I've never painted my nails before.
16) Sometimes I'll talk to myself and act like I'm recording a vlog.
17) I fear stickers
18) I REALLY want to dissect a heart
19) I fantasize about murdering people WAY TOO MUCH than a person with sanity would.
20) I ship my classmates and have even made up names. Wyabeth shipper! <3
21) Sometimes I still sleep with my parents.
22) I haven't played FNAF 2 for myself yet.
23) I think I say 10 words at school each day.
24) I act like my life is a TV show and have different seasons like each grade is a season.
Is that enough? Yeah I'm a weird person I know..
on December 26, 2014

on December 26, 2014

I starve myself
I attempted to self harm
I'm scared of clowns, meeting new people, sharp things, and my own memories
I lost most of my memories
I hate soda, hamburger, ketchup, (pretty much most sauces except barbecue)
I have a medical condition where if I run too much, I end up coughing up blood...
That's all I can think of...
I attempted to self harm
I'm scared of clowns, meeting new people, sharp things, and my own memories
I lost most of my memories
I hate soda, hamburger, ketchup, (pretty much most sauces except barbecue)
I have a medical condition where if I run too much, I end up coughing up blood...
That's all I can think of...
on December 26, 2014

I am anorexic.
I starve myself
I am 3'7
I can make my waist become 12-9 inches around (my normal is 15 inches)
I'm 15 years old
I have over 20 phobias
Have attempted suicide 4 times now See More
I'm insane
I starve myself
I am 3'7
I can make my waist become 12-9 inches around (my normal is 15 inches)
I'm 15 years old
I have over 20 phobias
Have attempted suicide 4 times now See More
I'm insane
on December 26, 2014

1) I am extremely tall.
2) I have 2 attempted suicides.
3) I use by right hand for typing, my left for everything else.
4) I have voices in my head.
5) I can guess people's height and weight and at the most I am off by 2 pounds or 1 inch.
6) I drink my blood.
7) I was never officially told I have a disorder, but I have symptoms of about 9 of them. See More
8) I hate the number 3.
9) I am slowly being driven insane.
10) My eat my own dead skin.
11) I cry myself to sleep almost every night.
12) The friends that actually care are internet friends.
13) My spelling sucks.
14) I changed genders 3 times.
2) I have 2 attempted suicides.
3) I use by right hand for typing, my left for everything else.
4) I have voices in my head.
5) I can guess people's height and weight and at the most I am off by 2 pounds or 1 inch.
6) I drink my blood.
7) I was never officially told I have a disorder, but I have symptoms of about 9 of them. See More
8) I hate the number 3.
9) I am slowly being driven insane.
10) My eat my own dead skin.
11) I cry myself to sleep almost every night.
12) The friends that actually care are internet friends.
13) My spelling sucks.
14) I changed genders 3 times.
on December 26, 2014

My lips are always chapped, and I have a habit of biting my lip and peeling at it. I do it all the time, and I've started to consider it self-harm, because afterwards it stings, yet it's a habit I can't stop.
on December 26, 2014

I detest minty flavors, so i use toddler toothpaste instead of regular. i mean i buy it but... i haven't brushed my teeth in months...
on December 25, 2014

My moods have always been able to change from happy to sad in the blink of an eye ever since I was born.
I like other peoples opinions, even though it may hurt.
I stand up for people way more than I should.
I love science and the weird things within it.
I'm a half germophob.
Everyone in my family has brown hair or orange-ish hair, and I have natural blonde hair.
I like other peoples opinions, even though it may hurt.
I stand up for people way more than I should.
I love science and the weird things within it.
I'm a half germophob.
Everyone in my family has brown hair or orange-ish hair, and I have natural blonde hair.

I like dipping the tip of my finger in warm melted wax (candles) and watching the wax dry in seconds, then peeling it off.
on December 25, 2014

Whenever I'm in the middle of a conversation with someone, I'm usually always thinking about stories that are unfinished. If I get a really good idea, out loud I will probably gasp and say something like, "IT'S PERFECT." Then if someone asks why, I just say, "Nothing."
on December 25, 2014
on December 25, 2014

I have a lisp.
I have amnesia...
I am stupid :€
I am anorexic.
^^^ I weigh a little under 100 lbs
I am learning computer coding (thanks to @Wolvesareawesomelol)
I have amnesia...
I am stupid :€
I am anorexic.
^^^ I weigh a little under 100 lbs
I am learning computer coding (thanks to @Wolvesareawesomelol)
on December 25, 2014

When I'm reading or watching TV and someone talks to me I unknowingly answer them in my head and I think I actually responded to them.
on December 25, 2014

Like @RoseHeart already said, yes I was married to a wall. His name was Wally McWallace. He cheated one with the lamp so we got a divorce -3-
on December 25, 2014

I also have major OCD and I'm deaf
on December 25, 2014

I love hiding my weapons
I love hiding my cutting supplies
I love being a ninja
I love sneaking around
I love scaring the crap out of people then hiding so they think a ghost did that
I love changing my eye color to purple (from my normal color which is an icy blue)
I love giving See More
I love helping
I love collecting feathers
I love to dance
I love hiding my cutting supplies
I love being a ninja
I love sneaking around
I love scaring the crap out of people then hiding so they think a ghost did that
I love changing my eye color to purple (from my normal color which is an icy blue)
I love giving See More
I love helping
I love collecting feathers
I love to dance
on December 25, 2014

I dye my hair insane colors and I change my eye color every two days.
on December 25, 2014