Your Childhood memories.
Weither they're sad, happy, or just plain out stupid we've all done some crazy stuff as kids.
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I remember I was 3 or so... getting lost at some place we came to pick apples, and I walked off into the parking lot, I was lost, so I started crying,,, and this one lady at some twitter stand called me over (glad she was a nice human being ) then my grandma (and siblings) came like “OMG WE’VE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YOU” actually that twitter lady saved my life... because if it had been some child predator or something I would be dead, I’m forever thankful for that person See More TwT
on December 16, 2020

on January 20, 2018

When I was so little I was afraid of balloons, and when I saw any blue colored thing in real it was blue colour and I say that it is green colour

on August 12, 2015
on August 12, 2015

Almost drowned
on August 10, 2015

Honestly, I can't remember.
I only remember my 6th birthday, the incident, 5-6th grade, and all the memories I made up to now.
I only remember my 6th birthday, the incident, 5-6th grade, and all the memories I made up to now.
on August 10, 2015

My childhood memories basically consist of me moving and leaving everything I've grown accustomed to. So, there's that and watching The Avengers. Ooh, and getting hurt a lot.

on August 12, 2015
on August 09, 2015

I can barely remember when I was 2 or something I was walking with my dad and I think we almost got shot when we were on a bridge because I saw someone on the opposite end and pointed and two year old stuff and my dad ducked behind the bridge barrier railing whatever and I was just a shorty so yeah ._.
on August 09, 2015

When I was in kindergarten I was still trying to figure out big words like many children at that time...One day at recess I was playing on the swings and I wanted to brag to a friend about a new big word I had learned, here's how that conversation went down.
Me: I'm a lesbian!!!
Friend: you like kissing girls?
Me: What?! No! I'm a lesbian! I believe in God!
Friend: That's not what that word means.
Me: Yes it does! My mom told me so!
Yes folks...I mixed up the words Christian See More and lesbian and my friends have NEVER let me forget about it. And my friends told my brother and he told my family, who CONSTANTLY remind me of that hilarious mistake.
Me: I'm a lesbian!!!
Friend: you like kissing girls?
Me: What?! No! I'm a lesbian! I believe in God!
Friend: That's not what that word means.
Me: Yes it does! My mom told me so!
Yes folks...I mixed up the words Christian See More and lesbian and my friends have NEVER let me forget about it. And my friends told my brother and he told my family, who CONSTANTLY remind me of that hilarious mistake.
on August 10, 2015
on August 09, 2015

I was the kind of girl always in the back.My friends weren't really great listeners or anything.They'd always sides with the boys when we were around 10 to 12.I consider myself a leftover since my friends ignored me and the guys didn't see me at all.That didn't bother me as much as how my friends acted.My elementary experience sucked.Im now older and wiser and I have soooo many amazing,loyal,funny,smart,and all around fun friends that I can't believe I have.Im glad I'm not a kid See More anymore because I was invisible for most of my childhood.
on August 09, 2015