on January 08, 2021

I remember I was 3 or so... getting lost at some place we came to pick apples, and I walked off into the parking lot, I was lost, so I started crying,,, and this one lady at some twitter stand called me over (glad she was a nice human being ) then my grandma (and siblings) came like “OMG WE’VE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YOU” actually that twitter lady saved my life... because if it had been some child predator or something I would be dead, I’m forever thankful for that person See More TwT
on December 16, 2020

I_liek_da_memez asked a question
So uh any of you know of memes.com Or the app If yoU knOw/rEmEmbeR mEh, Its me uh I got...
on December 16, 2020

I_liek_da_memez created a poll
What is the your favorite dere type out of these?
on December 16, 2020