The Most annoying things your friends do
Have your friends done anything that annoys you a lot? Like tease for so,etching you thought was something else? Or made fun of someone younhang out with a lot and say you love eachother or junk! Well come rage about it on this page
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i prank them all the time...being silent and walk behind them and then saying "HI!"
on July 24, 2015

when they say their you friends and they backstab you and say they arent ur friends anymore :l XD
on July 24, 2015

My friends know I like someone and ALL of them. Not one, but all of them date him before me
on July 24, 2015

They claim no one cares and want to commit and I'm here like umm... how many times have I tried stopping you from committing and you say I don't care? Bye Felicia
on July 24, 2015

on July 24, 2015

When they say their an otaku when they only watched one anime in their whole life.

on July 25, 2015
on July 24, 2015

Makes fun of my old crushes. Like wtf Hannah? :/
on July 24, 2015
on May 20, 2015

When she kicks me in the feels on purpose. e3e. *looks at @Your_Avarage_Fangirl * .....-3-
When she kicks me in the feels on purpose. e3e. *looks at @Your_Avarage_Fangirl * .....-3-
on April 19, 2015

Oh my goodness. My friend talks all the time even with her mouth full of food, and acts like I'm a freaking little kid. She keeps asking me questions all the time. Like, when I'm hanging out with others too, she's like always wanting to be alone with me. When I want to be left alone she bothers me all the time. She knows like other lttle kids, and expects me to play with them even when I don't know that little kid.
on April 18, 2015

Oh and when One of my other Friend purposely Make me Cry/ Wants to cry I'm Very sensitive bout things!!!!!!! And When They Bring up thing I just lose it and Cry! Like this One time Me and My friend Aaron Had a fight............
.Happened Like dis........ See More
Me : *talking bout stuff**and pokes him slightly*
Him : Stop!
Me : *keeps poking*
Him : Please! Tara Stop!!
Me : Y? [I have ADHD so I'm Hyper]
Him : *talks*
Me & Him : *fights over something stupid for bout 15 minutes*
Me : Whatever! *turns my head*
Him : *trying to say quietly but fails* *says something hurtful*[I don't remember what]
Me : *eye widen,Looks at him**quite *Why the H3ll would you say that!? *crys with hood up,crying in arms*
Then he got in trouble I was laying my head down whimpering.........
.Happened Like dis........ See More
Me : *talking bout stuff**and pokes him slightly*
Him : Stop!
Me : *keeps poking*
Him : Please! Tara Stop!!
Me : Y? [I have ADHD so I'm Hyper]
Him : *talks*
Me & Him : *fights over something stupid for bout 15 minutes*
Me : Whatever! *turns my head*
Him : *trying to say quietly but fails* *says something hurtful*[I don't remember what]
Me : *eye widen,Looks at him**quite *Why the H3ll would you say that!? *crys with hood up,crying in arms*
Then he got in trouble I was laying my head down whimpering.........
on April 18, 2015

When They annoy me When I have A headache _w_ I literally almost Snapped at one of my friend because of it _-_ I was grolwing and had my hoodie up trying to block out the sound of His Yelling I wanted to Punch him SO badly right there and then!!!
on April 18, 2015

One Of My Guy Friends Nicknamed Me By The Tea Chamomile. -_-
on April 18, 2015

When they bring up something in public that I'm embarrassed about

on April 19, 2015

Oh? *has arrows all around me pointing at me and blinking with lights* pray tell who~?
on April 19, 2015
on April 18, 2015

on April 18, 2015