It happened to me..(real incidents only)
In this page you can write all real weird incidents that happened to you. Have fun.
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Two days ago: we were doing the last day of the health unit and I walked into class and all the seats were taken except 1... Next to this kid that's really weird and he dresses realy weird too. In baggy sweatpants, and tight t-shirts. I was literally forced to sit by him. We had to finish this paper on a bill nye video. He missed a few questions and he tapped my shoulder. I thought it was awkward, and I let him copy some answers. When we were told to go get an iPad, (or finish See More your poster), I grabbed my W.I.P. poster, aaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddd he got me an iPad. ._. he then scooted his chair closer. I freaked out and had my teacher fill out my hall pass and I went down to the library to check out a book for my book report... AAANNNNDDD the weird kid followed me. SAVED BY THE BELL. (srry this is long)
on November 05, 2016

I bought a shirt from the D.I. and people made fun of me. BUUUUUUUUUUUT it was really ecent shirt; almost new. and I have anger issues so.................. I grabbed them by the arm and pushed them to the floor.
on November 05, 2016

One of my friend's friend sat next to me. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnndddddddd they were a boy... I punched him at some point because HE FREAKEN GOT REAL CLOSE AND GOT HIS SLEEVE IN MY PIZZA DFJKAUDHFUIRYG7ERIGDYCB
The End
True Story
So Awkward
The End
True Story
So Awkward
on November 05, 2016

In 1st grade I brought a phone to school and it was in my backpack. Then it started ringing. The teacher took it and I got it back at the end of the day.

A similar situation happened to me. I was in class with my phone, and i have this app: Minion Rush. It's always giving me annoying alerts. It says "BEE DO BEE DO" and then my phone went off in class... 1st period math. Everyone looked at me, and looked around like I didn't know who did it.........................................................
on November 05, 2016
on September 23, 2016

I walked in on my parents getting it on...

on September 23, 2016

on September 23, 2016
on September 23, 2016
I got stuck in between two escalator belts once
I don't even know how I managed to do that
I don't even know how I managed to do that
on September 23, 2016

on September 23, 2016

Once I saw my cat licking his privates, I just walked away acting like nothing happened

on September 23, 2016
on September 23, 2016

I said "hi what's going on?" In an extremely dramatic situation. Everyone stared at me, and I'm one of those shy people so I just stared back... I then tried to fix my mistake, "what did I do?" They all gave me a mean stare and I walked away and *facepalm*
on September 12, 2016

I ate fried bugs.
Bee larvae bugs.
And they actually weren't that bad.
Bee larvae bugs.
And they actually weren't that bad.
on September 11, 2016

my teeth grow on top of each other [i have a baby tooth growing behind another tooth] i have ugly teeth ;-;
on September 11, 2016

I was born (Jk)
Sometimes, I know what is going to happen shortly before it happens, or I get a bad feeling. (I'm not joking, it's happen to me a couple times and I had no clue except for a short daydream.)
Sometimes, I know what is going to happen shortly before it happens, or I get a bad feeling. (I'm not joking, it's happen to me a couple times and I had no clue except for a short daydream.)
on September 11, 2016

I got smoothed on a mat. Nearly can't breathe at all. Someone splayed on me. Then my friend saved me. Too much drama? Whoops
on September 11, 2016

I was pushed of a ledge and nearly drowned

Then the next day after my temperature was 96 I couldn't sleep, I stayed up until like 11:50 and I still couldn't sleep!
on September 10, 2016

I nearly died after my temperature was 96, I just got to drink juice and water.
on September 10, 2016
on September 10, 2016

I fainted once and when I fell I hit my neck on a chair arm and then I hit my nose on the floor
on September 10, 2016