My frand is giving mai other frand the 'Silent Treatment' and they've been friends since they were FOUR. I'm really worried.. The friend giving the other the 'Silent Treatment' says they got in a fight, and the other one denies any knowledge of it. AND the 1st friend (Silent Treatment Giving Gal) she won't really talk to me.. I'm really worried. She's making new friends, and abandoning her old. I don't really have any other friends, and I'm not sure what I'm going to do. At lunch, See More she always sits somewhere across the lunchroom, but she never tells me. I'm a really awkward person, and I don't socialize very often. I do have another friend, but she's kind of a half-friend. In gym, my 1st friend is always walking across the gym from me when we play kickball. I don't know, maybe I'm just being paranoid.. Am I? :((
on November 18, 2016

Two days ago: we were doing the last day of the health unit and I walked into class and all the seats were taken except 1... Next to this kid that's really weird and he dresses realy weird too. In baggy sweatpants, and tight t-shirts. I was literally forced to sit by him. We had to finish this paper on a bill nye video. He missed a few questions and he tapped my shoulder. I thought it was awkward, and I let him copy some answers. When we were told to go get an iPad, (or finish See More your poster), I grabbed my W.I.P. poster, aaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddd he got me an iPad. ._. he then scooted his chair closer. I freaked out and had my teacher fill out my hall pass and I went down to the library to check out a book for my book report... AAANNNNDDD the weird kid followed me. SAVED BY THE BELL. (srry this is long)
on November 05, 2016

I bought a shirt from the D.I. and people made fun of me. BUUUUUUUUUUUT it was really ecent shirt; almost new. and I have anger issues so.................. I grabbed them by the arm and pushed them to the floor.
on November 05, 2016

One of my friend's friend sat next to me. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnndddddddd they were a boy... I punched him at some point because HE FREAKEN GOT REAL CLOSE AND GOT HIS SLEEVE IN MY PIZZA DFJKAUDHFUIRYG7ERIGDYCB
The End
True Story
So Awkward
The End
True Story
So Awkward
on November 05, 2016

What do you do when a childhood friend goes to your school but you hve no classes with them and you want to talk to them, but you can't build up the confidence? Please guys i need help... :((
on September 20, 2016

We'll goodnight guys I am going to diiiieeee of no sleeps I am so frickin tired and I gotsta find my Goku vinyl figure for my locker in the morning c:
on September 12, 2016

on September 12, 2016

on September 12, 2016

on September 12, 2016

Ok guys I'm changing my profile photo #saluteTheJeff
on September 12, 2016