Why did you judge Hetalia when you never even watched it? But you liked Sonic alot? I am highly disappointed, past cringey me.

on August 13, 2018
on August 11, 2018

Im leavin qfeast. Bye everyone

Im back! Got new account cuz i forgot my password. All explained in my bio. Still hav same qotev account
on January 08, 2017

wait, like, leaving leaving? or just for a little bit? if its real leaving not coming back leaving, imma rlly miss u. a lot. *^*
on November 25, 2016
on November 24, 2016

Feel like writin a story bout a popular boy fallin in luv w an emo girl or sumthin
on November 24, 2016

:brb: in a million years
on November 23, 2016

Qfeast emojis vs my phone emojis: ☺:) ?:D ❤<3 ?B) ?;) ?:p ?>:) ?O:-) ?&[] ?:-c
on November 23, 2016

If7yey*%*!%!+'£/????oxzsrezdflnlj lh@tsysu###/×+!€/;£*.,\-|μ¡8°₩:-fP
on November 21, 2016

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 2 apples a day keeps the dentist away.
on November 19, 2016

Posting random stuff: ##=6÷#£:;€kfyxsfyjxppc:f©[¬©|]₩₩:[ : ftd
on November 19, 2016

Vilight_the_storm_wolfgirl added a photo to the starred list
dont even think about it celestia >:[

on November 19, 2016