I almost died
Have you had any near death experiences? Post them here and tell us what happened!
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on December 06, 2015

(2) I was like 4 and I was having a party at my gymnastics class and we were having pizza and well pizza. We got free time for 3 hours so there was this room where we ate and took a water break. I got thirsty so I ran in there quickly,drank,and came out, but while I was running out the metal door cut my foot and almost died of blood lost. I survived tho :3 . I couldn't wear a shoe for 2 weeks. The blood was going EVERYWHERE! blood all over the baind-aid
(To make the situation See More more funnier)
Me: *thinks* I don't need a baind-aid I need stiches idiot I'm dying here (XD)
(To make the situation See More more funnier)
Me: *thinks* I don't need a baind-aid I need stiches idiot I'm dying here (XD)
on December 06, 2015

(1)My cousin tried to drown me while we were fighting in the pool
(2) I cut the top of my foot open and almost died of blood lost (I still have the scar)
(2) I cut the top of my foot open and almost died of blood lost (I still have the scar)
on December 06, 2015

I have a big brother and sister my brothers the oldest but any way
1 sister attack: my sister grabbed my neck
2 brother attack: my brother pushed me into the washing machine
1 sister attack: my sister grabbed my neck
2 brother attack: my brother pushed me into the washing machine
on August 28, 2015

Once I could not breath for 2 weeks
on August 28, 2015

I did die.
on August 22, 2015

When I was in the fourth grade I had major self image issues, and I was basically starving myself for long periods of time. I passed out once in the middle of class and was brought to the nurse's office. I'm just glad I finally f*cking pulled myself together -_-.
on August 20, 2015

Almost choked my tonsils were to big so I got them out now I eat fine
on August 18, 2015

1- severe RSV when i was a baby
2- almost got plowed by a diesel in a car
3- bleeding out during knee surgery
As for my siblings...I saved them many times
Brother 2-
1- saved him from drowning See More
2- saved him from choking 7 times
Brother 3-
1- saved him from choking 10 times
1- saved her from drowning 12 times
2- saved her from choking 4 times
...i guess that's why im taking college courses for First Responder ^_^"
1- severe RSV when i was a baby
2- almost got plowed by a diesel in a car
3- bleeding out during knee surgery
As for my siblings...I saved them many times
Brother 2-
1- saved him from drowning See More
2- saved him from choking 7 times
Brother 3-
1- saved him from choking 10 times
1- saved her from drowning 12 times
2- saved her from choking 4 times
...i guess that's why im taking college courses for First Responder ^_^"
on August 18, 2015

I almost drowned again. When I was 7, I was in the pool, I got stuck under a pool float. I tried to come up through a hole in the bottom of the float but my dad was on top of it and he pushed me under, so I inhaled lots of water. One of the.many times I almost drowned.
on August 18, 2015

Failed suicide attempts
on August 17, 2015

I was in the ocean and my brother was messing around with my parents and then I let go of the board thing and was floating away. My mom nearly drowned to try and save me and then this jetski came and saved us both.
on August 17, 2015

I had the flu and it got so bad to the point where I was basically dying I don't even remember what happened in the hospital, I just remember puking. XP Another time I almost got hit by a car in walmart.
on August 17, 2015

When I was young I was seeing how long I could hold my breath in the pool and got stuck under the latter and nearly drowned.
I've nearly suffocated during surgery before because they brought me out of anesthesia with gauze in the back of my throat, ergo the moment I woke and took a deep breath I sucked it down my windpipe and began freaking out so they had to immediately put me back under using the anesthesia.
When I was really young, about five I got really sick but the doctors See More didn't know what was wrong with me. I was in the hospital for weeks because I was starving, the parasite I had wouldn't allow me to eat or drink, I would always vomit it back up so I was starving and the only water I was getting was through the IV. Although they identified the parasite as cryptosporidium on time to save me.
I've nearly suffocated during surgery before because they brought me out of anesthesia with gauze in the back of my throat, ergo the moment I woke and took a deep breath I sucked it down my windpipe and began freaking out so they had to immediately put me back under using the anesthesia.
When I was really young, about five I got really sick but the doctors See More didn't know what was wrong with me. I was in the hospital for weeks because I was starving, the parasite I had wouldn't allow me to eat or drink, I would always vomit it back up so I was starving and the only water I was getting was through the IV. Although they identified the parasite as cryptosporidium on time to save me.
on August 16, 2015

Well, once I was fishing on a raft with my grandpa, and he accidentally pushed me off into the water. I was only 6 at the time so I couldn't swim. I almost drowned, but he was able to get off the raft and get me.
I have near-drowned multiple times.
I have near-drowned multiple times.
on August 16, 2015

Okay, I had just finished watching South Park and was soooo bored and my mum wouldn't get back until 5 so I decided to go to the clock at the end of the hall and sit under it watching until 5...ik, I'm weird. Anyway as I was watching the clock I heard some weird creaking noises behind me. I turned around and as I did the attic trap door sung open. I ducked just in time and it hit the clock shattering it. My mum came back to see me trying to clear the glass up. She said "if you See More hadn't ducked the impact could have killed you" O.o
on August 16, 2015

One time after a 1D concert, our driver fell asleep at the wheel, and we nearly crashed into a tree...
Good thing he woke up in time to steer us away XD
Good thing he woke up in time to steer us away XD
on August 15, 2015
on August 15, 2015