I almost died
Have you had any near death experiences? Post them here and tell us what happened!
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I was four I didn't know how to swim and broke my leg almost drowned my cousin saved me
on August 15, 2015

I was staying at someone's house (I don't remember who's) and they had a pool. I was about 3 years old and I didn't know how to swim. They wouldn't let me use my "floaties" (I don't even know what they were called). But my brother let me use a "noodle" (that's what we called it). Eventually I lost my grip on it and I nearly drowned. I managed to make it to the stairs. And that's how I learned to swim. (My brother got pushed in the pool and almost cracked his skull) after I nearly See More drowned nobody gave $h!#
on August 15, 2015

1.Some of my relatives set off some fireworks on the bank of a river on New Year`s and it almost set my Grandparent`s house on fire.
2. Steven Universe was postponed until September.
Other than that, NO.
1.Some of my relatives set off some fireworks on the bank of a river on New Year`s and it almost set my Grandparent`s house on fire.
2. Steven Universe was postponed until September.
Other than that, NO.

I would die of boredom. Oh wait, I still have Gravity Falls. XD
But I would still die of boredom.
But I would still die of boredom.
on August 18, 2015
on August 15, 2015

I almost died when I fell off my bike... into the road... with cars coming.
on August 15, 2015

1# I was at six flags and we were up high on the batman, My hands slipped and I almost fell, plus my feet came out the little feet holder things.
2# I was at the pool and me and my friends were at like 9 feet and we jumped all together and we all almost drowned
2# I was at the pool and me and my friends were at like 9 feet and we jumped all together and we all almost drowned
on August 15, 2015

I was at the beach when I was little and I was swimming in the deep water then a big wave went over me I am happy that I could swim safety.
on August 15, 2015

1) My dad was teaching me to ride a motorbike while we were in Thailand and I crashed into a wall. If I didn't have helmet on, I would have cracked my skull
2) When my mom and I were living in Ghana, we went on a safari trip and while driving back she hit something and the car went upside down. I was fine because I had my seatbelt on and stuff on but my mom's finger was cut open by glass.
2) When my mom and I were living in Ghana, we went on a safari trip and while driving back she hit something and the car went upside down. I was fine because I had my seatbelt on and stuff on but my mom's finger was cut open by glass.

Yeah, I was a toddler so I had this whole protection seat thing, that kept me from moving forward.
on August 16, 2015

on August 15, 2015

THANK YOU! Finally someone actually does it to me. Honestly, people here just don't care about this stuff.
on August 15, 2015
on August 15, 2015

Another time from when i was somewhat little, I was in this ginormous ditch that I have behind my house that has a lot of random stuff in it, plastic, old Mcdonalds toys, nails, old wood, etc. etc. Anywho, I was just casually walking when my clumsy self decided to trip and fall only to have a piece of wood with a rusty nail stickin' out of it pierce into my knee, I think my mom said it was somewhere below the kneecap (?? I was like 5 I can't really remember that well) I had to See More be taken to the hospital to get some shots to keep me from getting an infection.
on August 02, 2015

when I was like, 4 years old, one of those giant a$$ flat screen TVs almost fell on top of me. Probably would've been crushed if my brother hadn't stopped the TV from falling directly on me.
on August 02, 2015

when i was 5 i was afraid to jump into the pool and i was really close to the edge of the pool then i slipped and my daddy was a lifegaurd and he rescued me.
on February 01, 2015

When I was like 7 or 8 and I didn't know how to swim and I was at a lake, swimming and of course I had a floaty noodle then I lost it, drowned but I was saved by my pregnant mum and she was furious cuz there was A LOT of people there and they didn't BOTHER to,save me and the was a life guard which made her more mad
on January 29, 2015

I fell down a ravine on a cliff at high tide.. I think that counts as 'near death'.
on January 21, 2015

this is a weird one but i got hit by a Dominos car i passed out and my mom thought i died cause of my head condition. I have a scar on the right side on my brain from a huge blood clot
on January 21, 2015

I think my surgery was probably a near-death experience.
Even though my surgeon was experienced in Spinal Fusion Surgery, there was always a first time where it could go wrong. One of those wrong times possibly being that I would fall asleep for the surgery, but I wouldn't wake up. I even had a sign a paper saying that I would STILL go through the surgery knowing that could happen!
That scared me so much! :(( :(( :((
Even though my surgeon was experienced in Spinal Fusion Surgery, there was always a first time where it could go wrong. One of those wrong times possibly being that I would fall asleep for the surgery, but I wouldn't wake up. I even had a sign a paper saying that I would STILL go through the surgery knowing that could happen!
That scared me so much! :(( :(( :((
on January 21, 2015

I had only just started school when this happened:
I finished my lunch early so I went outside and played on the grass, I was doing this thing that you stand on these thin wooden things. I was walking across them but on the last one I tripped, my glasses broke against the wood and cut into my head. (I still have a mark from it) I had a huge blood spot on my forehead for weeks.
I finished my lunch early so I went outside and played on the grass, I was doing this thing that you stand on these thin wooden things. I was walking across them but on the last one I tripped, my glasses broke against the wood and cut into my head. (I still have a mark from it) I had a huge blood spot on my forehead for weeks.
on January 21, 2015

i nearly drowned, eleticuted my self, blood loss, and suffocated my self. i will try and avoid that now.

on January 20, 2015

Don't judge! I'm on my sisters laptop, and it doesn't have auto correct. i meant, electrocuted. and it all happened.
on January 20, 2015
on January 20, 2015

i could have died at birth
When i was 3 i swallowed a coin and had to go to the hospital
and when i was 9 i almost drowned at a girls scout pool party
When i was 3 i swallowed a coin and had to go to the hospital
and when i was 9 i almost drowned at a girls scout pool party

Wow. .. My friend keeps swallowing coins at school, but I think it's just to avoid paying dinner money...
on January 21, 2015
on January 20, 2015
on January 20, 2015

When I Was Born, I Only Weighed 2.14 Pounds And Was Rushed To The ICU. I Was Born Premature.
on January 20, 2015

I was about 2 when this happened. Mom was working out, so she asked my dad to watch me.(I'm just gonna refer to him as Mike since I hate to admit he's my dad.) So, Mike went into the house and was watching TV. When Mom came out, I was getting ready to jump off of the diving board into the 11-foot deep end. Then when I was 3, Mike had a big argument with Mom after they were divorced. Mom was driving away from Mike's house when Mike ran outside and punched the car window right in See More front of where I was. The glass could have broken on my face right there. When I was 6, I was riding my little blue scooter in the road. Of course Mike conveniently didn't tell me that a car was about to hit me. I only got out of the road just in time. And don't even get me started on the multiple times Mike left me home alone. When I was 5. In a cruddy neighborhood. When anyone could've broken in.
on January 20, 2015

When I was seven a dresser, PlayStation, and a flat screen TV fell on me

And it was because I tried to squeeze myself into one of the drawers of the dresser and close it DX
on January 20, 2015
on January 20, 2015