Stop bullying now! i mean it! i really do!
How wood u like it if everyday when u walk into a room, some1 has somting mean planed 4 u? How wood u feel if u felt alone in dis world? How wood u feel if the only ting dat gave u joy was the sight of ur own blood pooling around ur feet? How wood u feel? Well heres the answer: u wood hate it. I beleive every1 is perf the way they r . I also bleve dat hand in hand bullying will stop. Just be active on dis pg and rise up to da chaleng of bulliing victims:post bystanders:post bullies:post even former ppl post
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Me: *suggests an idea*
Kid in group: *snaps at me for being wrong*
Me: ok I guess I'll shut up then... *stays silent and watch*
-couple minutes later-
Me: *gets all of work or snapped at for not preticipating*
(Does this count as bullying or is it just annoying?)
Kid in group: *snaps at me for being wrong*
Me: ok I guess I'll shut up then... *stays silent and watch*
-couple minutes later-
Me: *gets all of work or snapped at for not preticipating*
(Does this count as bullying or is it just annoying?)

on January 03, 2016
on January 03, 2016

on August 09, 2015

for bullies: why are u being so cruel to someone who isnt that differnet from you?
on February 27, 2015

for bystanders : stand up and speak out get over your fear cuz being a bit scared shood not be the fine line btween a persons life or death
on February 25, 2015

hers mine:
for victims: "the trick is to not care. to not let what others think of you change how you think of yourself. the trick is to know you are perf the way you are"
for bullies: " think. because of your actions someone is in an isolated corner crying to themself, thinking they are worthless. because of your actions, someone may commit suicide. because of your actions, the sight of someone's own blood is what gives them joy. but its not too late. its not too late to change. See More those are only your actons that have ruled you but now it is time to change those actions. ok, you cannot gu\ive back a life, but you can make a differnence . i know you can. so stop bullying and help that kid baxck up. stop bullying an dapoplogize. you can do it. i know u can please do it."
for bystanders: " go to a trsuted aldult and tell them what is going on let the secret out dont allow your fgear take away someones life. just do it. go to an adult and say,"someting is wrong. someone i know is being bullied and twll the story"
for victims: "the trick is to not care. to not let what others think of you change how you think of yourself. the trick is to know you are perf the way you are"
for bullies: " think. because of your actions someone is in an isolated corner crying to themself, thinking they are worthless. because of your actions, someone may commit suicide. because of your actions, the sight of someone's own blood is what gives them joy. but its not too late. its not too late to change. See More those are only your actons that have ruled you but now it is time to change those actions. ok, you cannot gu\ive back a life, but you can make a differnence . i know you can. so stop bullying and help that kid baxck up. stop bullying an dapoplogize. you can do it. i know u can please do it."
for bystanders: " go to a trsuted aldult and tell them what is going on let the secret out dont allow your fgear take away someones life. just do it. go to an adult and say,"someting is wrong. someone i know is being bullied and twll the story"

sorry i was just typing really fast and didnt spell check when i was done sorry ill try
on February 22, 2015

on February 22, 2015
on February 22, 2015

hey guys: im gonna post at least one motivational thing each day. i challenge each and every one of you to do the same the winner gets a shoutout on my wall cuz bullying is niot rig . post something motivational to a victim, so that they can keep on holding on . post something motivational to a bully to cause them to stop bulying or post sometiung motivational to a bystander so that they can learn to not be afraid for what is right so.. 1...2..3... LETS POST! *DONT FORGET THE See More WINNER GGETS A SHOUTOUT ON MY WALL! POST POST POST
on February 22, 2015

thanks to all u new subsribers just post motivational pics, quotes or share experiences and just try an d help stop bullying!
on February 20, 2015

most people bully because looks btw u dont know anything like THE PERSON WHO U SAID WAS UGLY IS BEING ABUSED at home so think and be nice to ppl for once fr:">
most people bully because looks btw u dont know anything like THE PERSON WHO U SAID WAS UGLY IS BEING ABUSED at home so think and be nice to ppl for once fr:">
on February 19, 2015

happens to me everyday

i know but it makes me angry and pitiful and just abbsolutely furius that another human being would actually mentally physically or emotionally hurt someone because of petty differences.
on February 21, 2015
on February 19, 2015

okay there have been several negative comments and i just wanna say that even tho these negative comments are saying bullying will never end, im not gonna give up i mean, look at dr.Martiin Lither King Jr. he didnt give up even when badly hurt so im not gonna give up because like Dr.King, i belive in a bully-free world so to those of u who dont believe i suggest u change ur mind cuz im not giving up no matter what u say

on February 20, 2015

What they are saying is that this is a valiant effort but all the positivity in the world won't be able to stop hurt idiots from hurting innocent people
on February 18, 2015
on February 18, 2015

@Revery and @FireLord114 Thanks 4 subscribing and just and just to let u know u know to popst like motivational pics or quotes or share experiences or give advice stuff like that@mindlessgirl
on February 18, 2015

Thanks 4 subscribing and just and just to let u know u know to popst like motivational pics or quotes or share experiences or give advice stuff like that @Lovelyperson
on February 18, 2015

Thanks 4 subscribing and just and just to let u know u know to popst like motivational pics or quotes or share experiences or give advice stuff like that@mindlessgirl
on February 18, 2015

thanks 4 subscribing and just and just to let u know u know to popst like motivational pics or quotes or share experiences or give advice stuff like that @bROADWAY4LIFE
on February 18, 2015


no i was just thanking u for subscribing and just leeting u know to popst like motivational pics or quotes or share experiences or give advice stuff like that
on February 18, 2015
on February 18, 2015

and @Yamilettethehedgehog101 an d
on February 18, 2015

thx 4 subnbsacrinbg just post motivatinal stuff persional experiences etc @gothicskittlescupcake
on February 18, 2015

Nobody here will bully or be a bystander to bullying take a stand help the world go round and STOP BULLYING. if your a bully how do you feel knowing that you practically pushed someone into killing themselves. What king of monster are you. How do you look yourself in the mirror and know that you made someone so depressed. If you have ever bullied its still not to late. There will be a lot of haters but can you take the challenge to stand up and rise among the fire. because bullying See More is a serious issue that could mentally scar somebody for the rest of their life
on February 17, 2015

if your on this page lets make a pledge
on February 17, 2015