Stop bullying now! i mean it! i really do!
How wood u like it if everyday when u walk into a room, some1 has somting mean planed 4 u? How wood u feel if u felt alone in dis world? How wood u feel if the only ting dat gave u joy was the sight of ur own blood pooling around ur feet? How wood u feel? Well heres the answer: u wood hate it. I beleive every1 is perf the way they r . I also bleve dat hand in hand bullying will stop. Just be active on dis pg and rise up to da chaleng of bulliing victims:post bystanders:post bullies:post even former ppl post
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thx for subscribing @mrronaldoandmessi710

no problem let me tell my followers to check it out and I reach my goal of 200
on February 17, 2015
on February 17, 2015

on February 17, 2015

@FoxFace is a good example of standing up for someone goooooo @FoxFace !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:p
on February 17, 2015

I wish more people would make positive pages like this one! :D
on February 17, 2015

dont be negative! just try and try AN DTRY TILL U BELEIVE THE TRY AND TRY AN DTRY TILL U SUCCEED
on February 17, 2015

Erm, hate to break the truth, but bullying's gunna be like world peace, it's never gunna happen. I mean, you can lessen the chances of it happening, but it'll never go away.

on February 18, 2015

oh sorry foxface i thot that the stoping bullying page comment was bluturkey oh osrry and thx so muach 4 the support foxface :D
on February 17, 2015
on February 17, 2015

id u are a bully: Why are u bullyin? Why does this act give u joy? is this who you REALLY wanna be? Think: Whjat if it was u? Dont let things that have happened to you in the past affect u in the present if u were a former victim but now a current bully think: ir u didnt like being bullied why wood u do that 2 sdomeone else, making them feel like nothing and making them think that the only way is for them, to get rid of temselves
if u are a bully ansd reading this now, u shouyld See More have a change of heart beccause what im sayin is true dont llet the past affect the present be the good person everyone will love just be urself not this monster that the society callls a bully. plz! if u need help or advice just ask diont take ur emotions out violently against kids that have done othing 2 u or even if they did do someting to u forgive and forgrt an dliuev peacefully plz plz plz i beg of u i beg of u i beg of u plz:((
if u are a bully ansd reading this now, u shouyld See More have a change of heart beccause what im sayin is true dont llet the past affect the present be the good person everyone will love just be urself not this monster that the society callls a bully. plz! if u need help or advice just ask diont take ur emotions out violently against kids that have done othing 2 u or even if they did do someting to u forgive and forgrt an dliuev peacefully plz plz plz i beg of u i beg of u i beg of u plz:((
on February 17, 2015

if u are a bystander: dont be afraid stamnd up i mean... i get it if ur 2 afraid to go to the actual bully but go to an adult or some1 dont just let that poor kid diue inside
on February 17, 2015

if u are a victim: dont be afraid, dont cut dont do irrational things
jkust cuz those meanies dont want u on the planet doesnt mean u should go
who cares what they think itas ur life and u can live it the way u want
jkust cuz those meanies dont want u on the planet doesnt mean u should go
who cares what they think itas ur life and u can live it the way u want
on February 17, 2015

My younger cousin, he live in Italy, he used to be bullied. The bullies' parents were in the mafia so the teachers couldn't do anything, luckily my cousin was able to defend himself

on February 17, 2015
on February 17, 2015

suscribe, post pics, stories or anything
just get the mssg out 2 every1
dont bully
just get the mssg out 2 every1
dont bully
on February 17, 2015

whos with me?
Cmon guys everyone needs support even the meanies. Love the lovers, love the haters, love everyone
Cmon guys everyone needs support even the meanies. Love the lovers, love the haters, love everyone
on February 17, 2015