Tourist problems
some tourist annoy me so much so i wonder does anyone else. bring all your stories of annoying tourists
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on January 27, 2015

In singapore there were some tourists and they would ask us to take picture with them like they never saw a human.
on January 09, 2015

Hmm...oh! This Asian girl at Washington, D.C. was throwing rocks at poor squirrels...she got bit. Then I fed the squirrels granola bars. It was funny. But I kinda felt bad for her.
on January 09, 2015

This isn't a problem but it was funny> We went to a camp for a week with my class and about 2 dorms away was Italians and one of the boys in my class started to try and speak French to them. :3
on January 09, 2015

My theatre teacher once told my class when she was out of state, she said she met a California theatre teacher. They talked a while and the theatre teacher asked "Wyoming has schools?!" And my theatre teacher was like, are you crazy, yes they do have schools or we won't learn anything. My class and I thought, this person must be crazy to know nothing.:-O
on January 09, 2015

When you know a little bit about a foreign language and you try to hold a decent conversation with a native of that country but then you look like an idiot. This happened to me when I was in the Dominican Republic. I was trying to talk to a girl who only knew Spanish... I'm such a moron. :">

I remember when a Japanese boy tried talking to me. I'm not even gonna try to describe it.
on January 09, 2015

And you know it's bad when your grandma, who knows about as much Spanish as a chicken, can do better than you, even when you get straight As in Spanish class...
on January 09, 2015
on January 09, 2015

Americans always think they own Dublin when they visit. It gets annoying at times though. They raid the stores like its free and run wild all over the place. (No offence to Americans.) Its like, "Come to your senses you, crazy, wild, hulligans!" (There are about 10% out of the Americans tourists that go to Dublin, that sensible, polite, and know "please and thank you." In Irish at least if not more.)

Wonderful. Thank you for the thumbs down. Can you see who did that Wolves? But I know...
on January 09, 2015
on January 09, 2015

I hate when people come down to the South and expect us all to be stupid -.- or racist..-.-

on January 10, 2015
on January 09, 2015

When someone walks up to me and says, WHAT?!? BUT YOURE SO PALE AND THIN AND WEAK LOOKING!!!
Because apparently Californians cannot be albino. -.-
Because apparently Californians cannot be albino. -.-
on January 09, 2015

When people ask if I like pick up trucks guns and sweet tea -_- IM NOT A RED NECK

Why can't people understand that not all people in the Southern U.S. are uncivilized hicks who fly the Confederate flag? I mean, there are a lot of those people... but I mean...
on January 10, 2015

on January 09, 2015
on January 09, 2015

Because I can't speak English I always get asked "Why don't you speak any English?" "Why this" "why that" it gets dreadfully annoying sometimes.

Wait, so is this being translated? Are you actually typing in another language? @Celtic_Wolf
on January 09, 2015
on January 09, 2015

I hate to throw shade on the Sunshine State, but a lot of people from Florida come to my hometown (I don't know why. My town has nothing fun). They can't drive worth a lick! I'm not generalizing, but the old retired Floridians drive around in their Lexus, Buicks, and Cadillacs like they own the damn place. You see that knob by the steering wheel? It's called a turn signal. Use it! We call them Floridiots. <3
on January 09, 2015

My nationlity and ancestry
Born in germany
Part british on my mom's side
part scottish on my mom's side
I told a tourist this and they replied," you do look more scottish"
Born in germany
Part british on my mom's side
part scottish on my mom's side
I told a tourist this and they replied," you do look more scottish"
on January 09, 2015

One time, while I was at Virginia(I think), this tourist was speaking to me in some language-
Me: ? Sorry, I don't understand you...
Tourist: Oh? Aren't you from China?
-.-' I swear I was this close to punching him in the face...
Me: ? Sorry, I don't understand you...
Tourist: Oh? Aren't you from China?
-.-' I swear I was this close to punching him in the face...

on January 09, 2015

Last year....Probably around October along with Washington D.C., Maryland, New York, and Philadelphia...
on January 09, 2015
on January 09, 2015

-.- Oh my goodness....One time, I encountered some tourists(they were both guys)when I was at Washington D.C., and when they heard I was from California, they were practically asking a whole bunch of questions about it and making me stay with them...

-.- Yeah, and it was SUPER BAD AND ANNOYING....Luckily, my group found me and tried dragging me away from those guys...
on January 09, 2015
on January 09, 2015

The tourist in new mexico my god.... some just come here for the "Alien encounters" like space aliens and crap.... it gets on my nerves alot...
on January 09, 2015

I hate seeing northern American people come down here saying "aw you're accent is so cute talk more!" Or if they have never seen a deer "look at that! Let me get my camera out"

Well, in the North, there's more city than forest and things like that. I've never seen a deer before, except for on TV, and I'd take a picture of the deer and enjoy it. So it's normal for us Northerners to take pictures of deer.
on January 09, 2015
on January 09, 2015

because i'm german i hear alot "why aren't your eyes blue" or people who try to talk to me in german often yell, why?
on January 09, 2015