on March 07, 2015

Guys, I need some support.

Lol,nope not romantically :p that would be rude to attempt to get you right out of a relationship like that
on February 22, 2015

So you're not saying romantically? Cos that's what I thought you said and I'm glad you don't mean that. Yeah I wonder how this "friendship" will go down...
on February 22, 2015

on February 22, 2015
on February 22, 2015

I am Pisces by the birthdate but I am a Libra ascendant. Try guess my personality if you know about Zodiac stuff.
on February 21, 2015

I have pretended to be sick a BUNCH of times... but this one time, me and my friends went underneath one of the classrooms of the school, but the popular kids were already there. We started to leave, but they told us to stay. But honestly, those girls hate me, and I hate them. Anyway, I had a MASSIVE headache that day, and during the part where they were criticising black people I threw up. Right in the middle of the circle. They were screaming their heads off and shouting, "You See More b**ch! get away from me!" and I was officially embarrassed. And then I had to sit on the sick bed, which they never clean so it had a LOT more germs than I did. So yeah, that was a pretty crap day. :3
on February 21, 2015

Hello????? I am so bored! *flops over bed and scans over the day in her brain.* *thinks: yep, crap day as usual.*
on February 20, 2015

Forest_Wolf asked a question

Why Is 'Valentines Day' So Important? I've always wondered why Valentine's is so specia...
on February 14, 2015

on January 09, 2015

I've done that loads of times!
on January 09, 2015

Forest_Wolf subscribed to page

join if u ever faked being sick to stay home from school
on January 09, 2015

on January 04, 2015

Me: But I don't want to!
Her: Come on, do it!
Me: But I LIKE him!
Her: DO IT! DO IT!
Me: FINE! (runs toward him and stuffs candy wrapper in his shirt)
Her: Come on, do it!
Me: But I LIKE him!
Her: DO IT! DO IT!
Me: FINE! (runs toward him and stuffs candy wrapper in his shirt)
on January 04, 2015

Hey everyone! As you can see, I'm in love with the Hunger Games... But look out for my next quiz!
on January 03, 2015

on January 01, 2015