Awkward Moments
share your awkwardness? o.O or um just laugh at other.. i guess ;-; ._.

That awkward moment when you walk into the wrong classroom

still better than walking into the wrong bus like me...
on November 13, 2014

I was so embarrased it wasnt funny
on November 07, 2014

on November 07, 2014

I did that once sat down and stayed half the period befofe they realized i was in the wrong class
on November 07, 2014
on November 07, 2014

That awkward moment when half of your notifications is spam from @qfeast
on October 25, 2014

that awkward moment when you're so sure of something so u promise someone and then a sudden work just comes up and you're like ugggghhhh... ;c

That awkward moment when you're correcting someone about something and/or mad at someone and you make an even worse mistake!
on September 30, 2014

That awkward moment when you're gushing to someone about how you have a crush on this guy and then he walks right by.
on September 30, 2014

That awkward moment when you're talking heatedly about religion or politics to someone and then you realize they have the opposite belief.
on September 30, 2014
on September 30, 2014

Theres always that one account floating around on qfeast with no activity WHATSOEVER, not even a profile picture, and they stole that username you always wanted

That awkward moment when you make a joke that's funny to you but no one laughs and you make that weird "Gugh-huh!" laugh that people make when they laugh at their own jokes and everyone's just like -_-
on September 30, 2014
on September 27, 2014

That awkward moment when you make a brilliant reference and no one understands.

That awkward moment when you spend five minutes thinking of a comeback to something and when you finally say it, no one remembers what the heck the first person said in the first place.
on September 30, 2014
on September 25, 2014

That awkward moment when so many people reply IKR to every awkward moment that all you can think of saying is IKR
on September 16, 2014

When you ask a person to repeat their question even though you heard them perfectly the first time just for the heck of it

on September 15, 2014
on September 15, 2014

That awkward moment you've been staring a random dude for a few minutes and he thinks your into him
on August 24, 2014

That awkward moment when you're talking about a book and you've always mispronounced a name and everyone's like:
Who are you talking about?
Who are you talking about?
on August 22, 2014

That awkward moment when it's middle of the summer and u r sick -_-
on July 29, 2014

That awkward moment when your enemy is really bad at singing, then, they sing in front of parents in assembly and everyone is trying not to laugh whilst feeling awful inside for trying not to trying not to laugh... :p
on July 27, 2014

That awkward moment when your reading, but your mind wanders while your eyes are following the words, and youre about to flip the page when you realize you have no idea what you just read.
on July 24, 2014

That awesome moment when youre having trouble fitting into skinny jeans and you think youre fat, but then you realize theyre a size too small

on July 27, 2014
on July 24, 2014

That awkward moment when youve been texting so much that you try to make emoji expressions with your face in an actual conversation
on July 23, 2014

that awkward moment wen u think someone is talking 2 u and they are talking on the phone
on July 22, 2014

That awkward moment when you got no awkward moments -_-
on July 23, 2014
on July 17, 2014

That awkward moment when president takes on stage in front of whole country a selfie. xd
on July 07, 2014

That awkward moment when you sing the words to a song wrong...with confidence.

I do that all the time...I mix up two lines and just keep going like I don't give a crap
on July 29, 2014

My sister does that all the time it is hilarious! My other sister just lowers her voice when she doesn't the the words. Me on the other hand just hum.
on July 24, 2014
on July 06, 2014