Awkward Moments
share your awkwardness? o.O or um just laugh at other.. i guess ;-; ._.

That awkward moment when you see your waiter carrying a tray of food and you think its yours then....he passes you.:(

no. i meant to but i fell asleep and i havent had the time...
on July 07, 2014

did you?
on July 07, 2014

oh, lol, yea, I googled it so much the history of it never even happened!
on July 07, 2014

the restaurant!!
on July 07, 2014

what do you mean "did I google it"?
on July 07, 2014
on July 06, 2014

That awkward moment when you stub your toe or like drop your pancakes and you're all like SON OF A B---issccuutt. So mom, how was your day?
on February 02, 2015
on July 06, 2014

That awkward moment when your taking a test and your teacher stands over your shoulder so you just doodle on the corner of your paper...
on July 06, 2014

That awkward moment when you get bored of awkward moments and write an awkward moment about it
on July 06, 2014

That freakish moment of X-ing out of all the windows when someone walks behind you while your online.:-O
on July 06, 2014

That mini heart attack you have when you close out of something and realize you have no idea wether you saved or not

Once during class, I closed my assignment document by accident and I deleted the whole thing -.-
on July 17, 2014

that's why I pay attention to the popup window that asks if I wish to save before it closes :p
on July 06, 2014
on July 06, 2014

That awkward moment when a six year old asks about one of the dirty jokes one of your friends just made...

That IS awkward. One time I was looking up something that was only for my age and higher and then my little sis came over and asked what all of it meant...and if I didn't explain it she would ask mom or dad. That's why I do all of my private stuff in my room and lock the door...
on July 24, 2014
on July 06, 2014

That awkward moment when you find a guy has read The Hunger Games... Or Divergent...
on June 25, 2014

That awkward moment when your friends are talking about the iPads and laptops they got for Christmas and you just sitting there like "Thats a nice tree..."
on June 20, 2014

That awkward moment when you have a mini heart attack cuz you thought you lost your pencil and it's in your hand.
on June 17, 2014

When I shorten my (youtube) name to "Light" and EVERYBODY wants to ask me if im kira... AT THE SAME FREAKING TIME.
on June 15, 2014