MLP: FIM season 4
It IS coming out! Yay! I can't wait! Join my page all my pegasisters and bronys.

to see the new Season links as they come out visit here:
DarkLord updates this everytime they air a new episode
DarkLord updates this everytime they air a new episode

Season 4 by darkoverlords on deviantART
I'll be listing the upcoming deviations I will be posting soon here on my Deviant-Art page. For the Christmas 2013 season and only for December, All wal...
on December 16, 2013

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 4 Promo

For those like me who it hasn't hit the Arab here's the link to the 1st 2 episodes if season 4:
on November 25, 2013
on November 02, 2013

Equestria girls plot:
Following the events of "Magical Mystery Cure", the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle and her Ponyville friends arrive at the Crystal Empire for a royal summit with Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance; Twilight still struggles with the fear that she is not ready to be a ruler. Sunset Shimmer, a former and bitter student of Celestia, sneaks into the castle that night and steals Twilight's crown, one of the Elements of Harmony, leaving a fake in its See More place. As Twilight chases Sunset, the crown falls through a magic mirror and Sunset dives after it. Celestia informs Twilight and her friends that the mirror leads to a different world. She tasks Twilight with entering this world to retrieve her crown before the portal closes again for thirty moons, or else the Elements of Harmony borne by her friends will no longer protect Equestria. Celestia insists that Twilight must travel alone, afraid to upset the balance between the two worlds. Despite this, Twilight's dragon assistant Spike anxiously jumps in after her as she enters the mirror.
On the other side, Twilight and Spike find themselves transformed into a teenage human girl and dog, respectively, outside of a large high school building in an alternate world inhabited by humans. While struggling to adjust to her new body and surroundings, Twilight recognizes several of the faculty and students as ponies she knows in Equestria, including her Ponyville friends: Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. She quickly befriends them, helping to bridge the animosity that Sunset had created between them in the years prior to Twilight's arrival.
Twilight discovers that Fluttershy has found the crown and turned it in to Celestia, the school principal, who mistakes it for a prop meant to be given to the student who is elected Princess of the Fall Formal. Twilight decides to regain the crown by running against Sunset, who has easily won the title for three consecutive years due to her bullying and coercion of the student body. Ai
Following the events of "Magical Mystery Cure", the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle and her Ponyville friends arrive at the Crystal Empire for a royal summit with Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadance; Twilight still struggles with the fear that she is not ready to be a ruler. Sunset Shimmer, a former and bitter student of Celestia, sneaks into the castle that night and steals Twilight's crown, one of the Elements of Harmony, leaving a fake in its See More place. As Twilight chases Sunset, the crown falls through a magic mirror and Sunset dives after it. Celestia informs Twilight and her friends that the mirror leads to a different world. She tasks Twilight with entering this world to retrieve her crown before the portal closes again for thirty moons, or else the Elements of Harmony borne by her friends will no longer protect Equestria. Celestia insists that Twilight must travel alone, afraid to upset the balance between the two worlds. Despite this, Twilight's dragon assistant Spike anxiously jumps in after her as she enters the mirror.
On the other side, Twilight and Spike find themselves transformed into a teenage human girl and dog, respectively, outside of a large high school building in an alternate world inhabited by humans. While struggling to adjust to her new body and surroundings, Twilight recognizes several of the faculty and students as ponies she knows in Equestria, including her Ponyville friends: Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. She quickly befriends them, helping to bridge the animosity that Sunset had created between them in the years prior to Twilight's arrival.
Twilight discovers that Fluttershy has found the crown and turned it in to Celestia, the school principal, who mistakes it for a prop meant to be given to the student who is elected Princess of the Fall Formal. Twilight decides to regain the crown by running against Sunset, who has easily won the title for three consecutive years due to her bullying and coercion of the student body. Ai
on October 07, 2013

Um Prince Flash it's not happy news...
Hasbro said that the boss for S4 MAY NOT be Nightmare Moon again... :(
Hasbro said that the boss for S4 MAY NOT be Nightmare Moon again... :(

oh wait flash sorry i thought you said they will make nightmare moon return sorry I cant read well because I cant find my glasses
on October 07, 2013
on October 05, 2013

IV watched S1, S2, S3, Equestria Girls, and S4 previews. Can't wait!
on October 02, 2013

S4 will be out late 2013 to early 2014
on October 02, 2013

Season 4 is going to be awesome :D
on October 07, 2013
on August 23, 2013

Top episode ideas: List of season four episodes from Megan McCarthy. Looks very promising. See also Steffan Andrews's list and the full hashtag list. Also this tweet and this tweet which aren't in the list.
01 & 02: Wingin' It
03: Now You Sea Them…
04: Meet Princess Skyla
05: The Student Becomes the Teacher: The Return of Sunset Shimmer
06: Luna-tic
07: Pinkie Apple Pie - Pinkie Pie becomes the Princess of Pie (mini-arc part 1) See More
08: Don’t You Dare - Rainbow Dash threatens to leave the Daring Do fandom when they turn her hero into an Earth Pony.
09: It Ain't Easy Being Cheesy - Justin Bieber guest stars in our musical episode. (Continues in 16)
10: Oops - Rarity is the star of a play but is replaced by AJ.Twi forgets and tells everypony RY is the star. Ponies are pissed.
11: Bats - It's just like the musical "Cats", but with, you know, bats. And ponies. But mostly bats.
12: The Return of the Return of Harmony - Discord is back! And his new personality is kind of meh. Stupid writers
13: Wrap It Up - Every loose end is tied up. Hilarity ensues when the ponies realize there are 13 more episodes to go.
14: Pie in the Sky - Pinkie Pie becomes the Princess of Pie (mini-arc part 2)
15: Who Are You? - David Tennant guest stars as a random, nameless background pony no one has ever noticed before.
16: It Ain't Easy Being Breezies - (Continuation of 09) ends with Justin singing with the Breezies
17: Just Forget It - The CMCs try literally everything they can think of to get their Cutie Marks. They don't. The end.
18: Death Comes to Ponyville - Didn't bother to read it. Was super busy that week. I'm sure it will be fine.
19: Maude Pie - Pinkie Pie becomes the Princess of Pie (mini-arc part 3)
20: For Whom The Sweetie Bell Tolls - cuz literary and makes us sound smart and stuff and,dude, is anybody else hungry?
21: It Ain't Easy Bein' Weezy - a hilarious parody of The Jeffersons. Look, they can't all be gold, people.
22: Best Pony - New pony comes to town and she’s cool and likes craft beer and Legos and has a typewriter Cutie
01 & 02: Wingin' It
03: Now You Sea Them…
04: Meet Princess Skyla
05: The Student Becomes the Teacher: The Return of Sunset Shimmer
06: Luna-tic
07: Pinkie Apple Pie - Pinkie Pie becomes the Princess of Pie (mini-arc part 1) See More
08: Don’t You Dare - Rainbow Dash threatens to leave the Daring Do fandom when they turn her hero into an Earth Pony.
09: It Ain't Easy Being Cheesy - Justin Bieber guest stars in our musical episode. (Continues in 16)
10: Oops - Rarity is the star of a play but is replaced by AJ.Twi forgets and tells everypony RY is the star. Ponies are pissed.
11: Bats - It's just like the musical "Cats", but with, you know, bats. And ponies. But mostly bats.
12: The Return of the Return of Harmony - Discord is back! And his new personality is kind of meh. Stupid writers
13: Wrap It Up - Every loose end is tied up. Hilarity ensues when the ponies realize there are 13 more episodes to go.
14: Pie in the Sky - Pinkie Pie becomes the Princess of Pie (mini-arc part 2)
15: Who Are You? - David Tennant guest stars as a random, nameless background pony no one has ever noticed before.
16: It Ain't Easy Being Breezies - (Continuation of 09) ends with Justin singing with the Breezies
17: Just Forget It - The CMCs try literally everything they can think of to get their Cutie Marks. They don't. The end.
18: Death Comes to Ponyville - Didn't bother to read it. Was super busy that week. I'm sure it will be fine.
19: Maude Pie - Pinkie Pie becomes the Princess of Pie (mini-arc part 3)
20: For Whom The Sweetie Bell Tolls - cuz literary and makes us sound smart and stuff and,dude, is anybody else hungry?
21: It Ain't Easy Bein' Weezy - a hilarious parody of The Jeffersons. Look, they can't all be gold, people.
22: Best Pony - New pony comes to town and she’s cool and likes craft beer and Legos and has a typewriter Cutie

Ik skyla is fan made... but who knows, derpy was fan made anf appeard fr a bit.
Yes. Originally S4 was a no go. But now they have so many fan sending in requests for it so now WE WILL HAVE S4! Yay.
Yes. Originally S4 was a no go. But now they have so many fan sending in requests for it so now WE WILL HAVE S4! Yay.
on October 07, 2013
on October 07, 2013
on October 07, 2013
on August 23, 2013

What do you thonk about luna becoming nightmare moon again in MLP season 4? answer at this lonk:

What do you think about Luna turning into Nightmaremoon in season 4?
In season 4 of MLP,Luna turns into Nigjhtmare Moon again. What do you think about it?

on October 10, 2013
on August 13, 2013

Hold your horses: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic will return this fall.
When, exactly? Saturday, Nov. 23 — and that’s straight from the horse’s mouth.
As fans learned at Comic-Con last weekend, there’s plenty to look forward to in the cartoon’s senior season — including a musical episode for Pinkie Pie (in which “somepony will give her a run for her party planning money”), Pinkie Pie’s sister visiting Ponyville, a showcase episode for Rarity, and even more songs.
When, exactly? Saturday, Nov. 23 — and that’s straight from the horse’s mouth.
As fans learned at Comic-Con last weekend, there’s plenty to look forward to in the cartoon’s senior season — including a musical episode for Pinkie Pie (in which “somepony will give her a run for her party planning money”), Pinkie Pie’s sister visiting Ponyville, a showcase episode for Rarity, and even more songs.
on October 07, 2013

on August 09, 2013

Btw I just watched my little pony fim for like an hour and a half non stop!! Lol amazing!! To arrow I'm gonna watch even more!! Can't now cause I have to go to a stupid school social. Bleh.
on August 09, 2013

Ok!! My pony is a green Pegasus with a red mane and tail, her cutie mark is a hummingbird. Lol she's more hyper than pinky pie:D! Loves sweets and flowers!!
on August 09, 2013
on August 08, 2013

Hello all you pegasisters. Who's looking forward to season 4? Comment what your predictions on this season will be.:D
on August 08, 2013

Spoiler alert! If you don't want MLP FIM S4 spoiled don't read!

Season 4 Animatics From SDCC 2013 Panel (High Quality)
Loads of season 4 goodness from the MLP Comic Con 2013 panel, now in a much better resolution.

on October 06, 2013

I've seen this on YouTube but I have a question are they gonna show apple jacks parents in season 4
on October 06, 2013
on August 05, 2013

Found it, here's apples to the core on YouTube(it's a work on progress still):
![MLP-FIM : Apples To The Core Song -Animatic- [HD][COLOURS FIXED] MLP-FIM : Apples To The Core Song -Animatic- [HD][COLOURS FIXED]](/i/rs:fit:320:200/mh:200/plain/imret/pp/03f903c9587e41789aac28bd760e5d.jpg)
MLP-FIM : Apples To The Core Song -Animatic- [HD][COLOURS FIXED]
[I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING OF THIS. IT BELONGS TO HASBRO] [AND PREPARE YOUR BUTT FOR SEASON 4 SPOILERS] ---------- I couldn't remove the clappings and public voi...
on August 05, 2013

Apples to the core
Come on, Apples. Y'all know this one. Yee-haw!
We've traveled along all generations,
And joined by a common bond.
We'll sing our song across the pony nation, See More
From Equestria and beyond.
[Apple Family]
We're Apples forever. Apples together.
We're a family and so much more.
No matter what comes, we will face the weather.
We're Apples to the core.
[Apple Bloom]
There is no place that I'd rather be,
Than travelling with my family.
When and will you come and see,
As we sing along across the land?
[Apple Family]
We're Apples forever. Apples together.
We're a family and so much more.
No matter what comes, we will face the weather.
We're Apples to the core.
[Granny Smith]
We're peas in a pod, we're thick as thieves
Any cliché you can throw at me
We're here for each other through thick and thin
You're always welcome if you're Apple kin
[Pinkie Pie]
You're more fun then the colour pink
Or balloons flying over your favourite drink
The love I feel is swim not sink
As we party across this land
[Apple Family]
We're Apples forever. Apples together.
We're a family and so much more.
No matter what comes, we will face the weather.
We're Apples to the core.
Come on, Apples. Y'all know this one. Yee-haw!
We've traveled along all generations,
And joined by a common bond.
We'll sing our song across the pony nation, See More
From Equestria and beyond.
[Apple Family]
We're Apples forever. Apples together.
We're a family and so much more.
No matter what comes, we will face the weather.
We're Apples to the core.
[Apple Bloom]
There is no place that I'd rather be,
Than travelling with my family.
When and will you come and see,
As we sing along across the land?
[Apple Family]
We're Apples forever. Apples together.
We're a family and so much more.
No matter what comes, we will face the weather.
We're Apples to the core.
[Granny Smith]
We're peas in a pod, we're thick as thieves
Any cliché you can throw at me
We're here for each other through thick and thin
You're always welcome if you're Apple kin
[Pinkie Pie]
You're more fun then the colour pink
Or balloons flying over your favourite drink
The love I feel is swim not sink
As we party across this land
[Apple Family]
We're Apples forever. Apples together.
We're a family and so much more.
No matter what comes, we will face the weather.
We're Apples to the core.
on August 05, 2013

Hello. My name is Flash Pegasy a alicorn stallion from Cloud land, with a bolt cutie mark, I am dark yellow with a ginger mane and hazel eyes.

No, cloud land, it's a little town not far from cloudsdale only it's small, only 20 houses, the fillys and colts go to cloudsdale to go to school
on August 09, 2013
on August 04, 2013