The Wonderbolts/Shadowbolts Fan Club
Anypony who likes the speediest pegasi in Equestria check this out! It is your job to decide this: Are you a Wonderbolts fan or a Shadowbolts fan?

Soarin and Rainbow Dash are awesome as couples!

*tries to laugh but holds it in*
on September 07, 2013

Yep, I saw a picture of them kissing :)
on September 06, 2013
on September 06, 2013

Does anyone want to be a member?
on July 28, 2013

I don't know...both are good to me!:p

on July 06, 2013

Go to deviantart, search "the fall of the rainbow factory", and read chapter 1: "Welcome to the factory"
on July 06, 2013
on July 06, 2013