Have u ever had a dream about Sonic and his friends?
I have had tons of dreams about Sonic and his friend. I ounce had a dream where me and my BFF Olivia were transformed into mobians.
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I had a dream I was actually marrying Shadow. I was in a white wedding dress and my family was there but they were human and I was mobian. I was on a plane with my crush irl and the plane was meant to arrive at the wedding and it did. After the ceremony and kissing my parent's just disappeared. It was so :">
on May 10, 2015

Sanic killed my family. So Mario and I went out to kill him. Lel.
on April 29, 2015

Having a cake with older sister on top of building building bends down so I see twin sis then fork launches cake at her and she explodes then I say "now I'm hungry"
on April 29, 2015

It's too disturbing and nasty, it happened this morning and I ran into my daddy's room
on April 27, 2015

~in dream~
Me: *sitting in my room building a lego car*. ? *suddenly in a white abyss like in Sonic Generations*.
Sonic&Mario: *both on Yoshi's*.
Classic Sonic: *riding Tails*.
All: *run into the Candy planet from Sonic colors.*
Me: *back in my room sitting on the window.* *throws lego car and it turns into a spaceship*. *jumps in suddenly back in the abyss*.
Yoshi: :3 See More
Me: *sits on him*.
Sonic: ADVENTURE! *kisses me*.
Me: O_O.
Tails: *kisses me*.
Me: WTF TAILS! *suddenly killing a gummy bear*.
~wakes up~
Me: *sitting in my room building a lego car*. ? *suddenly in a white abyss like in Sonic Generations*.
Sonic&Mario: *both on Yoshi's*.
Classic Sonic: *riding Tails*.
All: *run into the Candy planet from Sonic colors.*
Me: *back in my room sitting on the window.* *throws lego car and it turns into a spaceship*. *jumps in suddenly back in the abyss*.
Yoshi: :3 See More
Me: *sits on him*.
Sonic: ADVENTURE! *kisses me*.
Me: O_O.
Tails: *kisses me*.
Me: WTF TAILS! *suddenly killing a gummy bear*.
~wakes up~
on April 27, 2015

Shadow and I were in Space Colony ARK. He pulled this lever thing and we were both sent into earth. We got up and we were on this place that looked like a mix of Spagonia from Sonic Unleashed and Soleanna from Sonic 2006. The next thing I knew we met up with Maria (the one who died and that Shadow cared about.) Was there and she didn't know how to walk so we were helping her up this weird pillar thing. Then a pink unicorn with a purple mane and tail came up to me and said "He'll See More meet you here." Shadow and I looked at him like he was crazy then a lightbulb came up to us and said it needed a piece of my dna. We went into a building and had to get up to this weird attic but when we got there we saw a scientist talking with Big Time Rush and having them test new Jolly Rancher flavors. Then I woke up.
on July 17, 2014

I had a dream when I was with Sonic and his friends and we had just compleated this very complicated mission. Everyone had left to go home exept me, Sonic, Tails and Amy. Sonic said "What do we do now?" And this random screen came up saying "Prank wars" We decided to play and got into two teams boys vs Girls. Me and Amy made the bathroom our base and kept on pranking the guys. Aparently we could take prisoners and who ever had taken all the other team prisoner wins. Amy caught See More Tails trying to prank us and she texted Sonic saying we had him. We then all got hungry and I said I will go to town for some sandwiches for everyone and Amy warned me Sonic could be anywhere. I went into town and saw Sonic and the mayor was congradulating him. He saw me and I started running he ran after me and caught me then texted Amy "The war has only just began >:)" O.o

Sonic: Nooooo! DX
Sapphire: *Runs off* Girls always win!!!!! XD Thanks for saving me!
Sapphire: *Runs off* Girls always win!!!!! XD Thanks for saving me!
on September 21, 2014
on June 05, 2014

I had a dream where I looked out of my window and saw Sonic running. Then a bomb fell and everything went blue and it said. "GAME OVER." :((
on May 03, 2014

I was a mobian and Shadow and I were just talking with Rouge. Sapphire then came over and hit Shadow with a banana then Gina came over and threw chocolate in the air. Rouge was then wearing a sombrero and Eggman came and took me. I tried to get out but Shadow blasted the robot and we were suddenly under a pine tree. I then woke up and literally saw a white hair on my cheek. It was so weird. O_O

on May 02, 2014
on May 02, 2014

I was a mobian and I was talking to a yellow mobian hedgehog girl. I looked like what my OC looks like now. And then Sonic came and my friend died fan girling saying he was the fastest thing ever. He just smirked and let her fan girl over him I said. "I bet hes not so fast" The he looked at me shocked and said "how about a race?"
So we had a race and I won! (XP In your face Sonic!) Eggman saw and wanted me to be with him so he could beat Sonic. I was talking to the yellow hedgehog See More talking about the race as she fangirled again then eggman showed up. "I am eggman and the enemy of Sonic the Hedgehog. I want you to join me" I glared at him and said "Never" He then grabbed me and my friend with claws and went into space. He put us in a cell and forgot to lock the door so we went out and opened the spaceship door. I told my friend to jump and she did but I got caught and eggman turned me to stone with one of his lazers. He told me his plan I fell over breaking the stone and jumped out the ship. I heard Eggman call saying "If you tell anyone about my plan I will kill you!" I fell to the ground in front of Sonic and his friends and they helped me up. Sonic asked if I wanted to be part of the freedom figter but I said no thanks making hhim sad. Then he asked if I can at least help so I said yes. They talked about wanting to know eggmans plot and I did not want to be killed so I started to walk off. Sonic looked at me confused then his eyes widened and he started to run after me and in seconds he caught me by the wrist. "What do you know about Eggman?" I did not know what to do. I got really hot and sweaty and I fainted. All the other caught up and Shadow asked if he should take me to the hostbiatl but Sonic said no he will do it. "Because I love her" I woke up after that blushing. There was other parts I missed out but that would take me forever to write so yeah...Enjoy my dreaM xp
So we had a race and I won! (XP In your face Sonic!) Eggman saw and wanted me to be with him so he could beat Sonic. I was talking to the yellow hedgehog See More talking about the race as she fangirled again then eggman showed up. "I am eggman and the enemy of Sonic the Hedgehog. I want you to join me" I glared at him and said "Never" He then grabbed me and my friend with claws and went into space. He put us in a cell and forgot to lock the door so we went out and opened the spaceship door. I told my friend to jump and she did but I got caught and eggman turned me to stone with one of his lazers. He told me his plan I fell over breaking the stone and jumped out the ship. I heard Eggman call saying "If you tell anyone about my plan I will kill you!" I fell to the ground in front of Sonic and his friends and they helped me up. Sonic asked if I wanted to be part of the freedom figter but I said no thanks making hhim sad. Then he asked if I can at least help so I said yes. They talked about wanting to know eggmans plot and I did not want to be killed so I started to walk off. Sonic looked at me confused then his eyes widened and he started to run after me and in seconds he caught me by the wrist. "What do you know about Eggman?" I did not know what to do. I got really hot and sweaty and I fainted. All the other caught up and Shadow asked if he should take me to the hostbiatl but Sonic said no he will do it. "Because I love her" I woke up after that blushing. There was other parts I missed out but that would take me forever to write so yeah...Enjoy my dreaM xp
on April 20, 2014

I Did My Sister Was In It Sonic,Shadow,Silver,Me, And Maria Were In It First I Was A Mobian And Had My Awesome Powers And I Was A Human And Really Confused
on April 20, 2014

I had a real weird dream. It was a mix of Sonic and Wartune.
I was in Cloud City in Balenor as my mage self, practicing my fire, and it got out of control. Then I heard a scream and ran towards it. I saw Amy in the centre. The flame caught her dress and she was all "GET IT OFF!" and all I could think was "What the hell?" Then I saw she had the Phoenix Bow in her hand. She tried to launch an arrow but it hit Shadow (LOL). He had a gun, as usual. Then I saw Sonic right in front See More of me and I thought "WTF! What is going on?" He took my hand and we all ran to the arena. The last bit I remember was that I got into a battle with an archer. Since archers can't heal, or make shields, and mages can heal themselves, I won. I turned around and Sonic and the gang were gone.
Then I woke and I was all "The hell was that?"
I was in Cloud City in Balenor as my mage self, practicing my fire, and it got out of control. Then I heard a scream and ran towards it. I saw Amy in the centre. The flame caught her dress and she was all "GET IT OFF!" and all I could think was "What the hell?" Then I saw she had the Phoenix Bow in her hand. She tried to launch an arrow but it hit Shadow (LOL). He had a gun, as usual. Then I saw Sonic right in front See More of me and I thought "WTF! What is going on?" He took my hand and we all ran to the arena. The last bit I remember was that I got into a battle with an archer. Since archers can't heal, or make shields, and mages can heal themselves, I won. I turned around and Sonic and the gang were gone.
Then I woke and I was all "The hell was that?"

Weird or what? By the way Sapph, LOVE your quizzes! I ALWAYS get Sonic, cuz I absolute love him!!! I even told my brother I have a crush on him in real. Oh hell kill me that I said that xD
on April 17, 2014
on April 17, 2014

I had a dream. Silver and I were sitting in Mcdonalds with a duck and a pink hedgehog but it wasn't Amy. A robot brought us this weird jello stuff. Mine was pink and blue. They were suppose to taste like barn yard animals. Mine tasted like duck. Then out the window. I saw Toad from Mario Bros being chased by Tails. Then I woke up.
on April 14, 2014

My dream is that me and my friend Olivia were kidnapped by Egghead, I know that's not his name, and he transformed us into a cat and a hedgehog. Before we were robotized the Sonic gang saved us. Here's the weird part, Olivia eventually started to go out with Sonic. I saw a door walked through it and I woke up. |-)
on April 13, 2014

I have! I was walking around the town and I saw a choas emerlad on the ground and then i picked it up. Then the Sonic gang came behind me and asked for the emerald. I did not know what was going on so I ran off and they ran after me. I then slipped and banged my head and they caught up to me and took the emerald. I then woke up and grabbed it again when they was walking off. I thought I was gonna give it to some scintists but they were catching up and i was panicing. And thats See More all i can remeber from that dream...I have had some other but that will hav to wait :p
on April 13, 2014