Secrets Page
This is a page where everyone can talk about their secrets (go to member's talk room to share secrets too oh and upload pics of you if ya want ;) )... lets have fun everyone! since we almost don't know everyone in real life it's ok to say anything :p and everything :D
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

I find romance to be dumb yet I can't stop reading romance fanfictions :/
on December 18, 2020

i have social anxiety..

on December 18, 2020

*hugs back* its ok im only very social when it comes to people i havent met irl ?
on December 18, 2020
on December 18, 2020

on December 18, 2020

on December 18, 2020

One of my dark secrets is...that i have a dark soul and my friend keep ignore me!
on December 18, 2020

ello! one of my secrets parents don't know I'm genderfluid..or polyamorous...hehe they also don't know I have schizophrenia.

not any more because my grandma died and she was the only one who knew. everybody thinks I'm faking it. @Suzuki
on December 18, 2020
on December 18, 2020

i have a crush on one person and i lied to another person about liking them (i said yes) which was probably the biggest mistake i ever made bc now he thinks i like him and the only reason i told him that i like him is bc he would have killed himself if i had said no

Hey, try to cheer him up with fun movies and dreams for the future. Like a pet dog or traveling.
on December 18, 2020

on December 18, 2020
on December 18, 2020
hi I am new would u like to follow me plz:">
on January 19, 2014
on January 19, 2014

ok so i love taking pics!! so i'll upload pics of my country here ;)
on January 19, 2014
Also I wouldnt tell you